Firmware updates within Developer Tools

It seems that it should be possible to update the firmware of your Zigbee devices within the Developer Tools.

The only thing required is that the software is preparred and suitable for this. I can not find anything within Developer Tools right now.

Is there already any supported platform for OTA updates?

Otherwise, what is the best way to get this function implemented for Tradfri, Aqara, Friend, Sonoff, and so on?

Looking forward to your knowledge


If you mean that the developer tools would be the logical place to offer an OTA update page if Homey would support it, then yes, I would agree.

But Homey doesn’t support OTA updates at all.

There isn’t one. Apps don’t communicate directly with their managed Zigbee devices, that’s all handled by Homey’s core, and Homey’s core is lacking OTA update functionality (amongst other things).

This is the information from Homey support

Homey Pro (Early 2023) does offer the ability for App Developers to update devices, but there are no Apps using it at this time. You could ask the developer of Aqara if he can add this function.

It seems it is possible, is my interpretation.

edit: I think this kind of function need much more attention and integration, this will reduce the number of hubs you have in stock, for sometimes a firmware update.

should be healthy for environment and fully unacceptable this is not done in a proper way, just IMO

Homey Support often doesn’t know their own product :man_shrugging:t3:

Well, it sounds very stupid and I am quite sure it is just possible. Other platforms do support this as well. As far as I can see this is not a technical issue, but just implementation

Sure, technically it’s possible because, like you said, other platforms support this. But Homey’s Zigbee implementation lacks a lot of features that other platforms have, and even though this gets brought to Athom’s attention at a regular basis, they don’t seem to be interested in improving Homey’s Zigbee implementation.

Well, we will push harder and harder lol! They wanna be one in all solution, so they have to make their own statement true

To clarify, our support team’s statement is accurate: in theory, a developer could build OTA support for Zigbee devices into a Homey App.

We understand that this isn’t the most straightforward solution, and having an official interface for OTA updates would be ideal. While it’s on our long to-do list, other priorities are taking precedence right now. The same applies to OTA updates for Z-Wave and Matter devices.

I guess I must have missed the documentation for that on the developer website :thinking:

Can Athom provide example code on how this can be implemented, so other developers can use that for their own apps? Athom Support certainly seems to think that this is practically possible, which I assume means Athom has implemented this for at least one of its own apps.


Well, it’s theory :upside_down_face:

Even though I doubt it’s even theoretically possible to do this from apps, even if it were, as long as Athom cannot provide any directions on how this should be done they shouldn’t be passing the blame to app developers for not offering the ability.


Maybe you should re-evaluate your priorities then. This has almost kept me from buying Homey and keeps me pondering selling my Pro and build a Home Assistant setup from scratch. The HA Zigbee implementation can update zigbee devices for years now.

Firmware updates is such a basic functionality. One should think it’s something a multi-protocol smarthome bridge should be capable of from the start.

But, as it so often does , Homey / Athom disappoints.

To reiterate: I’m disappointed by your answer. :frowning:


Although I would like to have device firmware updates handled by Homey as well, I don’t know if it is in Homey’s interest. And therefro perhaps not on their shortlist.

When device firmware changes, this can also cause unforseen problems in the way the device works with Homey. Those problems might be easily blamed on Homey and therefor create more stress on their customer support.

Their opinion might be: don’t fix (change) what ain’t broken…

People are asking for this feature because often firmware updates of their devices actually fix issues with the device in combination with Homey.

Fits well with with their other motto: “don’t fix what is broken…”

But device firmware updates are typically introduced for a reason…

Now devices connected to Homey are not able to receive firmware updates that also contribute to a more stable connection to Homey. In my opinion, it is not a nice to have, but a must have for any smart home controller…

All very true, but was just pointing out the way Athom might think…
Whether right or not.
I would very much like devixe firmware updates handled by Homey as well… :wink:

As mentioned earlier, it’s not that we simply don’t want to implement this feature—quite the opposite. We fully intend to add the option to update device firmware via Homey in the future. From a partnership standpoint, we can even consider requiring OTA firmware updates for official partners.

However, we’re currently juggling numerous projects. Our development team is focused on finalizing dashboards, new device classes and capabilities, device grouping, camera streaming and much much more. As much as we’d like to take on everything at once, there’s only so much we can do at any given time.

As the saying goes, “Good things come to those who wait.”

Just a tip: if you’d like us to chat about it, the Homey Podcast is always an option! :wink:

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It’s sad to see that, once again, Athom focuses on new features instead of fixing existing features that have been broken or have been missing basic functionality for many years.

Meanwhile, I have at least two showstoppers in my apps because of problems that have gone unanswered for weeks (and let’s not speak about issues I posted months ago that still haven’t been fixed).

Well IMO is firmware update more important than dashboards.

Maybe the wrong decission is made.

Priority first, nice to have later on. Dashboard is just nice to have, no priority.

Couldn’t agree more. The main reason I went for the Homey Pro as my Smart Home gateway was I thought - mistakenly - that it would free me from limitations. Didn’t take me many days to realize the lack of OTA support, which is, quite frankly, unworthy a product like Homey. I’ve also considered selling my Homey an moving to Home Assistant, although it means a lot more work which I ultimately do not desire. OTA update support would make SO much more sense than dashboard and other shiny new features…

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