Fibaro Walli Switch (2 channel mode) and its integration in Apple Home / HomeKit via Bridge

I’m using the Homey app in coexistence with the Apple Home app and have run into an issue where the Fibaro Walli Switch in dual channel mode (two loads), so in Homey there is correctly the ability to control each load separately, however in Apple Home this Switch presents as a single switch with one load.
I would expect that in such a mode, Apple Home would bridge this switch twice (for each load separately).
Please, does anyone have a workaround or is this a feature of imperfect bridging?

Thank you.


Technical detail: Homey Pro (Early 2019), version: 8.1.1

Which HomeKit implementation for Homey are you using?

The one via experimental settings. Not the one via standalone app.

The experimental implementation is very minimal.

I’ve been using Experimental Solutions since the beginning and now I see there is a redesigned HomeyKit app from you, now under the name HomeyKitty. I’ll give it a try.

Thank you.


This is how the Fibaro Walli Switch (2 channel mode) looks in the Apple Home app (via HomeKitty app):

But if you want to control the channels separately via Siri, then you need to create virtual switches for each channel in Homey and include them in the Apple Home app (via the HomeKitty app).
To ensure that the channels are synchronized in both apps, a few more flows need to be created:

For that and also the virtual switches I recommend the use of the Device Capabilities app.


Thank you very much guys.