Fibaro Smoke detector doesn't send signal to Homey?

I just bought a Z-wave plus Fibaro Smoke detector FGSD-002 ZW5 v3.3. (I have no Fibaro Controller, just a Homey). I did a self test on the smoke detector, and the device is working.

Now I want to add the device to Homey:

  1. I installed Fibaro app
  2. I choose “Rookmelder (Z-wave plus)”
  3. I press the button 3 times to sync it
  4. Homey found the device, but it says: “Er is geen geschikte Homey App gevonden voor dit apparaat. Het apparaat is toegevoegd als Basic Z-Wave apparaat” / “There is no compatible Homey App found for this device. The device will be added as Basic Z-Wave device”
  5. I add a scene (when Smoke alarm goes off > notify my phone + ledring becomes red)
  6. I test the scene: works perfectly
  7. I add smoke to the device by lightning some matches but don’t turn the house on fire ;D
  8. The smoke alarm goes off! yay! But … Homey doesn’t do anything.

What to do?

Ah… just installed the BETA edition right now and its working

Please read the forum rules, if you first had searched you would have instantly found the answer. (already asked many times)

Also lets keep things about fibaro into the fibaro topic on the forum, no need to create a new topic for it.

But glad you found the answer, closing this topic now