Fibaro smoke and CO sensor

Hi, can somebody help me. I have three fibaro smoke sensors and one CO sensor. How do I know if they communicate with my Homey? When I take the accu out the temp indicator and the level of accu power stay the same. This worries me somehow.

Easy way for the smoke detector… put your house on fire. But i guess thats a bit to extreme. So make a bit of smoke where they react on.

For the co… i believe there are sprays for testing it (also for the smoke)

Or if there is test button on the detector… maybe then it also send a signal to homey (dont know that) but easy to try

Btw, you only should worried as the detectors not making sound when they need to. The homey link is nice but not critical

As mentioned either use a test spray or put the detector for a while in the fridge or an a heater. When the temperature changes it proves them reporting, or?
You might have to wait a while till the detector reports to the homey.
Oh, guess with no batterie it’s a bit tough for a device to report anything. Homey has an interesting way to handle / report missing data.

Thanks for the response. I agree the homeylink is not critical. I just thought that the temperature was sent more often to the homey.