Energy battery monitoring

Is there a way to exclude a specific battery from monitoring ? My sessy home battery now tells me several times per day that it is “allmost empty” or “ok again”.

The battery notifications are great for batteries that need charging or replacement, but for the home battery they are a nuisance…

There is a dutch app specific topic [APP][PRO] SESSY Thuisbatterij, you might have better luck asking there.

Don’t you have maybe in the setting something like

You can also check timeline setting for Energy, but then you will loose all such notifications.

Where would that be ? In the settings for the sessy device ? Something like that is not there…

I might be able to do something generic but i do not want to do that, the battery notifications are really usefull for batteries that do not “charge themselves” which is ehat my home battery does…

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More then happy to repost it there but the wat i understand this the devicee are reporting their battery treshold to homey and homey sends the notification…

The battery level is also something you -want- to have… so the place to change this would be somewhere on the homey side, not in the device itself…

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You can disable Energy timeline push notifications, and have a flow, which just takes When and filter out those you don’t care about…