EMail: Trigger flows based on incoming emails

Outlook.Com - Microsoft - it’s free


Here is the same problem. maybe an other provider? I tried gmx, web, icloud, outlook, gmail

Hey there, I try to get the app to work, but unfortunately it crashes everytime when a mail should be received. My diagnostics code is: d7097ad6-0064-4df3-b5d4-c8a2493592d0

My credentials are accepted and i double checked the inbox, where the mails are sent to.
I use my own domain, but also tried with gmail and outlook - but the problem stays the same.

Can someone help me with this issue?

Thank you very much in advance!

Thank you very much!

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I never got it working.
Could not find alternative
Annoying that such a simple integration is not supported by Homey…


Unfortunately I never received an answer from Adam Noren.

I am using a free IFTTT-Account for this, which comes with all the disadvantages like latency, not 100% accuracy. I appreciate the work and effort all the community-developers put in their apps, I really do, but it is kind of sad, that I can do nothing to help with this issue or anything. I would love to sort this out and find a solution. Maybe the app can be transferred to another developer, if Adam Noren does not have any time anymore?

When Adam isn’t responding, you can check with Athom if they can contact him to discuss transfer possibilities.

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I reached out to Athom, but they said, it is not possible, but they will investigate it.