Electric Fan or Ceramic heating for bathroom

Looking for a way to controle a heater in the bathroom.

We now have this one

But, apart form being ugly, you have to switch it on (we don’t leave it powered on), switch it on with the remote, and set it to an extreme temp (+28) to quickly heat up the bathroom.

I’m looking for something I can switch on with Homey, let it run on specific day’s and times and then switch off with a flow.
Either with a heater that’s supported with an app, or a dumb heater I can switch on with a smartswitch and control with a separate sensor…

I don’t want a IR panel, I want to heat up the room.

Duux (Threesixty) seems to be losing support, apart from that, I can’t mount it on a wall.

Mill only seems to have IR panels, and it’s unclear to me which heaters are supported.

dumb heaters, w/o thermostats, or at least w/o Wifo and a display seem hard to fined. What I do find is heaters that lose al settings when unplugged and are unusable with a powerswitch…