Technically it’s very possible yeah. But somebody got to find the time for it. (I don’t have any shortterm) meanwhile you could use Google home or Alexa as a bridge
i have it paired with google home.
is it posible to control this by flow instead of voicecontrol?
i want my duux to respond to presence. but i thought Google home could only be controled by voice.
Found it already.
works the same way for the Duux heater.
come on @Duux , you tell everywhere that the device is smart, but you remove homey connection, wtf is up with that? I just bought the whisper ultimate flex. And even the connection to the smartphone over the wifi is shit, after 2 minutes connection is lost and I need to pair again. Totally useless in a smart way now.
Nothing new in this issue @Duux? I just bought two of those fans just for the purpose of connect them to homey.
They say, not all products are supported, only the ones her written down.
My DXCF11 still works. HP19.
Not tested on the HP23
Yes i see what they say … my flex is supposed to be supported when i check what they say.
However … when i try to move my fan in the appropriate tab (up down / left right ) … the APP crashes like below.
Its the APP that crashes … nothing to do with the hardware. And nothing updated since 2021
No response from Duux either after i ewported months ago
I can switch on and off trough homey … and even that is not working 100%
I don’t have the crashing problem.
But for the start and stop function you have to send the the on or off 2 times.
At least for the off function.
IF time is 23:00
THEN turn off duux
turn of Duux, delay 1 second.
What homey version are you using ?
Not even the on / off button jn the app is working correctly ( 80 % of the times ok )
Homey Pro 2019, Firmware 8.1.6.
Do you use a fixed ip for the Duux?
Yeah think is my 2023 homey
No issues with 2019 … so where is the 2023 “support” for Duux then
I just bought 2 Bora’s, to use on Homey. But I have seen its nog posdible treu the normal app.
Some sau thats its possible with Tuya.
I already tried But I cant find the device.
What device should I choose? It is there another possibility?
If you have the newer Bora’s that are only working with the new DUUX app (complete white app tile) it is a gen2 and you can only connect them through Google Home and after that to the Homey. The only function you have is on/off… In the end what I did (with the Duux Edge Gen2) is via a Switchbot Hub, because the Edge Gen2 is also controlled with a IR remote, as far as I can see your Bora doesn’t have a remote, so…
Just so I don’t misunderstand anything. If I buy a duux whisper flex now and try to use it with my homey pro 2023 it won’t work? Because in the duux homey app it says whisper flex and whisper flex ultimate is supported. Confused
You can check on the Duux website (De nieuwe Duux app | Duux | Designed for better air.) with the serial number which app you can use for your product. If your product is compatible with the old app it is possible to connect to Homey directly. If not, see above.
Thank you for helping out. However, it’s hard for me to know the serial since I haven’t bought the product yet. Is there anyway to know before buying? Still don’t understand, are there two versions of the whisper flex?
That is a good question, maybe asking Duux is an option?
The newer (gen2) product version Duux are connection trough BLE/Wifi.
Those will not connect to the old Duux app and are not capable of connection directly to the Homey Duux app as far is I know. So that is the question, maybe you can find someting like that in the specs on the Dux website itself.
I had the same problem I AFTER I got my gen2 Edge (see somewhere above) and I fixed it with another solution that I already had in that room (Switchbot Hub).
Good luck!