I have a normal doorbell which is made “smart” with a KAKU doorbell ACDB-7000B using a relais.
It works pretty good, I made a flow where doorbell sounds are played on different Sonos speakers. And it sends a snapshot of a ONVIF camera hanging at the front door with a push notification.
The only problem I have is, that some people press the doorbell 2 or 3 times. Some children even more. That doenst give a problem to Sonos, which plays the doorbell sound only once. But it does give a problem with my push notification. Sometimes I get 4 or 5 push notifications.
Is there a way that I can change my advanced flow that it can only send max 1 push notification every 1 minute? Or is there an other way?
Add a variable DoorbellPressed.
Check whether DoorbellPressed is true.
If yes: do nothing
If no: set Doorbellpressed to yes; do your thing. And reset DoorbellPressed after x time(1 minute ?) to No.
I would first change the variable and after that do the other things.
This because Homey is known to have sometimes issues with executing multiple actions at the same time.
And maybe 5 sec’s is a bit short? I know my own grandchildren
The only thing I can think of is that it is an additional step; which might take a millisecond.
But it could also be that is already optimized out somewhere.