D'Link Cameras

I have some D’Link cameras. I try ty to connect them to Homey via the ONVIF-app. The cameras are listed in the app but when I would like to add them something is not working.

Does anyone have experience of D’link cameras or something similar and Homey?

User: admin

Password: pin code on the documentation of the cameras.

IP Adress: comes automatically

Service Port: Have tried 554, 8080 with no success. I do receive different wrong messages depending on port.

What do I do wrong?


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Could you send me the Information log from the Configure App screen so I can see what is happening.

I will do that.

What is : Push Server Settings? Do I have to do something about this?

Motion events can either be pushed or pulled. Push is better but not always available so it depends on the camera. Normally the app sets everything up for you based on information provided by the camera.

Hey. Did you get your problem fixed? I am new in the Homey world and I’m trying to get my d-link cameras in Homey Pro whit the onvif app. I can se all cameras but can’t get them in? Can you give me an advice? Best regards Tommy