DIY circadian rhythm based lighting

It should be something like this with Logics variables. (First create the variables, and then go find the variable ID’s )

// This is not needed anylonger, so comment out or remove
//let BLApp = await Homey.apps.getApp({ id: 'net.i-dev.betterlogic' });

await Homey.logic.updateVariable({id: '1a164078-63fc-470c-ac76-9da7f113445e', variable: { value: temperature } })
// The example ID should be the ID from var '${VARIABLE_PREFIX}_temperature'

await Homey.logic.updateVariable({id: '1a164078-63fc-470c-ac76-9da7f113445e', variable: { value: brightness } })
// The example ID should be the ID from var '${VARIABLE_PREFIX}_brightness'