Did someone succeed to integrate the Magnum Floor Heating Thermostat based on wifi (MRC)?

Ok, solved it via the tap to run method to be able to set two predefined temperatures from within Homey. Unfortunately, only basic functionality for now, but happy that I am able to control it within Homey flows at all.

What does the “tap-to-run” method entail, step by step?

I made two automations (scènes) within the regular Tuya app. These scenes can be started within a Homey flow (via the Homey Tuya cloud app flows).

Hi there,
I am trying to het this to work but in cant get it done :frowning:

I can and thr virtual device thermostat, i also see it in my google home with the other devices but it does not list in my divices as i try to make a starter for my household. Can anyone help? Thanks allot!

Is Magnum via smartlife toe te voegen en zo te gebruiken in Homey?

From the top of my head, that should work. I prefer the Tuya Smart app combined with Homey Tuya Cloud app

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Hi, yesterday i managed to ad the magnum floorheating thermostaat in my smartlife app and added the device via the tuya cloud. Works prefectly in Homey now!


Look for it in the 1st post the dedicated Tuya Cloud app topic please!
You can find the link at the homey.app store app page.

Hi, i managed to ad the magnum floorheating thermostaat in my smartlife app and added the device via the tuya cloud app in Homey. Works prefectly in Homey now!

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I managed to add the wifi thermostaat in Tuya. Now I can acces it and change the temperature. However. The value of the temperature sensor in the device is not the same as the temperature Homey shows.Now Floor teperature is 18 and Homey says it’s 22. Cannot find a calibrate. Anybody has a solution. (By the way. Homey wifi thermostaat says it stopped heating (blue instead of red) But the thermostaat is still working (heating Up). So I can still manage it)

Are the values within the Tuya app correct or is it it wrong even in there?

I figured out the thermostaat itself must be broken/not wright. The floor now feels warm. Tuta says it’s 22 C. But tyhe thermostaat in the bathroom still says 17 C.

I have the same issue as mentioned in the last few messages. Temperature target can be set via Homey → Tuya Cloud, but the measured temperature is not updated. While Tuya Cloud app shows the correct number, this is not synchronized to Homey.

A restart of the app, refreshes the current value of one of the two thermostat i have installed.
the 2nd one stays stuck. (edit: not stuck, it just moves in 1.0 degC increments, strange as well)

I put a restart of the app every 15 minutes. so i at least get a periodic update