The poor little guy fell off the table and now I just see the led lights “spinning”
At first I heard a voice that said “recovering” then nothing more…
Also there is something loose inside now
The poor little guy fell off the table and now I just see the led lights “spinning”
At first I heard a voice that said “recovering” then nothing more…
Also there is something loose inside now
That’s not good. I think that it got into recovery mode ( more info here ) and therefore it said recovering. Recovery can take a long time. But nevertheles. Because something inside is making sound (which is shouldn’t) I would send a mail to to see what they can do for you.
oh man… this sucks… will contact them to see if they can help out…
Never would have believed that it was this fragile… not a hard fall (it fell on some cords and other stuff the broke the fall)
Any pointers if I need to open it up so that I don’t break it even more?
Did u try to PTP and see what happens? Like pull the plug out of her, wait for like 11.2 minutes and put it back in with her feet on the ground?
And if u open her up ur warranty will be gone.
A small update… it’s up and running again but still the thing loose inside is not to ensuring…
One spiral should be shorter then the other
The image is not mine… I have not opened my yet… will wait until I hear back from the support…
Can be that just a plastic screw (as seen in the picture of Sjalabert) has broken off.
You can take a look at the antenna mod topic for more detailed info about the inside of your Homey.
And even get advise how to open it up if you decide to.
Use an old plastic card (like a sort of credit card). Verry simple to open remark USE PLASTIC COMPONENTS TO OPEN
Just a small update… I did not open it up but it seems to be running just fine for now…