Every night, I’m getting a message from Homey to my phone simply saying “timeout”. Nothing more. If I click it, I get a message box in the Homey app saying…“timout”. Not very helpful. As far as I can see, there’s nothing under events.
Sure, but…search them for what, or how (if there’s a known way to do this)? If the error only had a timestamp, I could have checked the flows I run at night.
Ok, if Homey itself never sends these, that will be a good clue. I was thinking this might be some sort of internal message from some timeout or other (script, app, whatnot). But if that’s not the case it should be fairly easy. Thanks!
Could the error notification come from automatic backups? If available and activated?
It’s been a while, but some users have reported problems when the automatic backups were done at night.
Is your Internet connection automatically disconnected at night?
What I meant, that a backup is running and then the internet connection is disconnected or interrupted so that the backup will also be interrupted which causes a “timeout” because the internet was not available to long.
Have you checked if backups were successfully created the last seven nights?
Thanks. The problem is the push doesn’t even give me the time it happened. I’ll try to screenshot i tomorrow and put it in here. It doesn’t look like normal push notifications either (I think - I’m always pretty sleepy at that time).
I just wanted to say thanks for the help. For some odd reason, the error hasn’t reappeared after I asked here - but it appeared almost every single night before that. I’ll update once I see it again.