Devices missing in Cast a text to Google

Since the app was renamed to Cast a text to Google… I’m having some issues with Google home devices disappearing from the list of selectable devices in the app. These devices will be back after the app is restarted, but this happens several times a day.
As a result, many flows do not work as they should because the selected Google device no longer appears in the list at that time.

After a app restart is de device available again.

Did you see the Cards are extended with a new field and 1 field is changed? So you have to “repair” these Cards.

What is the status of that Nest Audio when added as Chromecast device ? I don’t have so many devices like you yet I see unavailability of “smart speakers” quite often and it’s not related to the Cast a text app at all - anyway, best would be to create a diag. report to eventually create issue on GitHUB, as the original author is not visiting this forum anymore. Please note that the GitHub link is even not included on the Homey app store


The developer of this app does not offer direct support.

The Nest audio is available, no red exclamation mark or something like that.
It just happened after the app had changed it’s name, before that I never had any issues and I had the same amount of Google devices.

There are more issues with Homey and Google. Every day at 12:00 Google syncs all devices and almost every day it can sync all added apps except for Homey. Even when the Google assistent is turned on in Homey. I know this will be automatically disabled from time to time.
Never got an answer from Athom or Google if the issue is on their side?

Is there an alternative for this app in Homey?

I will have a look at Github.


…might be fantastic app, unfortunately never find the same way of use like Google TTS / Cast to Google

Going to give it a try.


cast to text is not working (cannot select devices anymore) and Google Services is configured with Json file, card is played, but no sound. Is there an alternative, I really miss the opportunity to be able to speak to google home devices with a TTS processor. Anyone?

I solved my problem, hopefully it can solve yours too if you experience the same as me. A couple of days ago I changed my wifi and reinstalled the wifi channel, but since I upgraded, my IoT wifi channel was available in 2.4 and 5 ghz, where it before was only 2.4 ghz. My homey is only 2.4, so thats is why it couldn’t find/reach my Google speakers, because they we’re connected to 5 ghz and home to the 2.4 equivalent. I changed my IoT wifi to 2.4 and all worked as a charm again. I hope this helps someone, it took me about a day to figure this out, hopefully this saves you time!


Aaah nice, I need to try that. How do I change the Wifi to 2.4 on Google? And any idea if the Goggle services text-to-speech should work if my Homey is connected via LAN and my router does both 2.4 and 5?