Device with 2 inputs and 1 output

I’m searching for a device which has two 230v inputs and one output.
The inputs need to be able to accept on/off switches.
If one of the inputs switches, the output needs to be toggled.

One of the ‘switches’ is a Sonoff iFan which has a remote control and a conventional 230v switch.
If either is switched, the light needs to be toggled.

This way if my Homey or wi-fi fails, I’m still able to switch the light by using the remote control or the conventional switch.

Anyone if such a device exists?

Isn’t it possible to connect both switches in parallels to one 230V relay input?

I guess the easiest way is, just use 2 relays, both driven by one of the switches, and connect both outputs to the light.

Otherwise, there’s something called a dual coil relay.
It switches the output, if one or both coils are getting powered by 230V.
Didn’t find any of those in a quick search tho.

Just connect the lamp to the 230V of the fan motor? When the fan runs, the light is on.

You could use the fibari smart implant, but perhaps with an extra relais.

Thank you for your answer.

This would mean that if 1 switch is on, it won’t be possible to switch off the light with the remote, right?

I want to be able to switch independently.

This device must give you enough flexibility: Shelly Plus i4

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That’s only an input device though, no outputs.

I’ve created a quick Paint drawing of my intention.

That’s only input, no output.
I need to be able to switch the light on using the wall switch if wifi and/or Homey is down.

With a Shelly 1 (which has one input) I think you can use something like this:

You can configure the Shelly to toggle the output when the input changes (either from on to off, or off to on).

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This will not work because if the switch is off the iFan will not be able to switch the light on.

Ah duh, of course not :man_facepalming:t3:

However after creating the drawing I thought of something.
If I use a device like the Qubino flush 2 relay and hardwire the wall switch to input 1 and hardwire the light to output 1, the wall switch will always be able to switch the light in case of an outage of Homey/Z-Wave.

If I connect the Sonoff iFan to input 2 and create a flow in Homey to when input 2 switches on, switch output 1 on (and vice versa).
This will mean in case of an Homey outage the Sonoff iFan won’t be able to switch the light. This is no issue, however.

Thank you for thinking along and your time, though!

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Ah yes, true that.

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