Handheld remote/switch

I’m in the UK and am looking for a cost affective handheld switch/remote. This would be to trigger flows and switch things like smart plugs.

I’ve seen the SonOff RM433/RM433R2 which seems very well priced and has a few buttons. Not sure that it’s supported though.

Any other suggestions appreciated (hardware, not software/apps).

Anything interesting in here?

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Flic buttons are great especially since you can use Homey flows to implement many operations with a single button operation.

I’ve also got a Flic twist that can give you 35 different operations before you start using Homey flows to double/triple up on operations.


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I use an (old) tablet with SmartDash.

I love my iCasa remote:
This one is Zigbee but the same remote/design is being sold under different brands and in a Z-Wave version as well.
Always check first if the particular brand has a Homey app.
The one linked above works 100%.