Develco Products App - Control your home and make it safe (v2.1.0)

For all people having issues with the keeping Develco Products App (v1.0.0) on Homey v4.2.

We are aware of the issues and looking for options to resolve the issue.
Likely, the Zigbee implementation within Homey v4.2 will not provide the option to resolve this issue (completely).

Even if there would be a solution and app update, the current Homey app store does not allow to release a v4.2 update to the stable channel, while having a test version (compatible to Homey v5) in the app store as well. Please be aware, that this is completely outside our control and is also impacting other app updates, like for Aqara / INNR as reported here on the forum.

The current experimental Homey v5 compatible version (v2.0.4 | Develco Products App for Homey | Homey) is showing a stable performance. But Homey v5 is still an experimental version, with two major issues:

  1. The current migration of the Zigbee network from Homey v4.2 to Homey v5.0 is not always yielding a stable Zigbee network,
  2. In some cases, people are not able to add more devices, even though all preconditions appear to be met.

I am working with Athom to get these issues resolved as soon as possible, by providing all diagnostics data available; but will need to rely on a Homey v5 update of Athom.

A containment for 1. would be to reset the entire Zigbee network after the update and re-add all Zigbee devices after the reset (starting with the mains powered routing devices). People who have done this, report to have a stable performance of the Zigbee network. But it is a step that requires extra effort from the end-user.

Please note, the Homey v5 is still an experimental release, with above mentioned issues.
Please check the generic Homey v5 topic and the topic tracking the apps not compatible with Homey v5 before upgrading the Homey v5.

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