Apps currently not working on Homey v5

Let’s try a WIKI post. Apps not working on Homey version V5. I’ll add an app that doesn’t work with V5 and u can add an app urself just by editing this post. On the bottom of this very post there is an edit icon. Click the icon, edit the post with ur own app u know not working on V5 and save edit. Lets see how this goes.

Full list of apps still based on SDK1 or Zigbee apps not updated to SDK3:

App ID App Name Comment
com.bbqguru.cyberq BBQ Guru
info.matjaz.presence Better Presence
homey.better.voice Better voice
com.benext Benext Needs update with latest Z-Wave drivers and sdk
info.matjaz.candy Candy Some of Candy’s features in Settings>Experiments>Power User
nl.kerkenit.christiandates Christian Dates CouchPotato
nl.dagelijkswoord.bijbel Dagelijks Woord
com.ecobee Ecobee
com.everspring Everspring Testversion works on Homey V5
com.sharedfunctions.homey-expresscontrols Express Controls
com.fakro Fakro
com.hauppauge Hauppauge
com.heatmiser Heatmiser Neo
be.hln.headlines HLN Headlines
com.swttt.homeydash HomeyDash Workaround, a Homey dashboard
tv.horizon.ziggo Horizon TV Settopbox
nl.netactive.homey.ical2voice iCalendar to Voice Discontinued. Working substitute IcalCalendar App för Homey | Homey
homey.icyethermostaat ICY E-Thermostaat iTunes
nl.genotix.moppentap Joke of the day KiNET
com.lametric.time LaMetric being worked on by @balmli: Homey Community Store
openmindnl.ledcollection LED-Ring collection SDK2 version released in live by @martijnpoppen
com.leds-c4 LEDS-C4
com.lg.hombot LG Hombot
com.lightwaverf Lightwave RF
com.squaretronics.lisa Lisa
com.8ball Magic 8 ball
com.athom.mqtt Mosquitto MQTT client alternative: MQTT Client by Menno van Grinsven: MQTT Client App voor Homey | Homey
nl.terryhendrix.netscan Net Scan Discontinued
com.squaretronics.newhomeyapps New Homey Apps
nl.webchitect.newsheadlines News headlines
nl.nos.headlines NOS Headlines
be.novy.intouch Novy Intouch
openmindnl.numcatch Numcatch
com.jilles.oregon Oregon Scientific Sensors
com.osram.lightify Osram Lightify Deprecated; replaced by Osram Lightify Zigbee app? Panasonic Viera SmartTV Philips TV Pioneer
nl.tonversteeg.pushalot Pushalot Notifications
nl.tonversteeg.pushbullet Pushbullet Notifications
com.qees Qees
dk.sartano Sartano
martens.screensavers Screensavers
com.horstmann Secure / Horstmann now available under the name Secure Meters Secure Meters App voor Homey | Homey
homey.simon.says Simon says
com.jilles.zwave someZwave there is a testversion working on V5 someZwave App voor Homey | Homey Sony Bravia(KD, KDL series) Android TV Squeezebox
nl.regoor.statecontrol State Control
com.thinkingcleaner Thinking Cleaner
Gledopto en Tint lampen en LED Controllers Tint lampen
nl.marvinschenkel.twitter Twitter
com.wemo Wemo Discontinued by Atom WijdeWijk
com.wintop Wintop
com.yalelock Yale Lock YouTube
com.zipato Zipato Zipato App for Homey | Homey

Apps with known issues:

App Name Comment
Homey Harmony Hub for some people not working
Home Easy original by Athom bv. Discontinued

That will be a long list… wouldn’t it be better to keep track of the apps not working on V5, and remove them once working?


Can do!

@Rocodamelshekima Since i’m not that handy on this forum yet, I wonder how we can keep this topic higher in the list.

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Maybe we can ask a moderator to pin this item untill it’s not needed anymore.
@moderators ^^


Lametric is not working, too.

Add it to the opening post and get a badge! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Great idea!

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I’ve started on a Lametric Time app for SDK3 / v5:

If you can install with CLI…


Very nice! Is this in cooperation with the original author of the app? In that case we would love to see the app in the community app-store!

Updated the first post based on feedback of Athom, who provided a download of all apps still on SDK1 or Zigbee apps not updated to SDK3.

Now let’s start to track the initiatives to update these apps…


Personally i hope for an update on the Horstmann app!

Personally, I’m waiting for LaMetric Time, then I can get rid off IFTTT with their ridiculous monthly fee.

Am sure @balmli is gonna take that to the community AppStore!

Candy should get retired imo. Most features have been replaced by native controls. Features not replaced can’t be fulfilled due to restrictions by athom. At least that’s what has been told on the forum.

Same goes for the Homeydash app.

Indeed, but what’s the support statement on fw 1.x? As long as that’s supported, they should keep some apps.

Yeah but the Homeydash app isn’t working for a very long time alr.

It’s there now