Delete flow work in app, but is still working underwater

I have a homey pro 2016 and created a advanced flow. It only says random “heads” or “tails” (kop of munt) and was just for testing.
I disabled the flow but it still said “heads or tails”, also after a reboot.
Then I deleted the flow and rebooted, but it is still speaking random “heads or tails”. When I change the voice it says it with new voice.

How can i remove the flow?

Ps, I also have a homey 2023, but expect that the old and new don’t are related for this.

When does it trigger?
Is it a Homey speech that is used?

Hi Dijker,

thnx for the reply, but I already found the problem.
I also made this heads/tail test in another advanced flow for testing. But under an other name, not indicating that this also had a part for saying these words.

So it worked as it should, but not as i expected :blush:

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As expected, what is called a Pebkac