Hello, i’m planning to buy a tablet to have a Dashboard usable by family without being called every two minutes with the annoying “it doesn’t work” request.
I have several questions , as i don’t know if goin’ with Android or IPadOS.
My unanswered questions scrolling all the topics:
- which is the best way in having Dashboard “locked” ? Full kiosk on Android ? An iPad ?
- which is the “idiot proof” solution for unlocking the home screen of the tablet ? Pin code ? Having a sensor (aka Aqara fp2) triggerin the unlock ? Dunno if faceid can be set with multiple users on Android or iPadOS
- Will ever be the Dashboard a “locked” screen on the app ? I mean, NOW you can Go back to the app itself, i admit that got a bit lost reading all the comments
Thanks a lot to anyone Who will help me doing the right decision 

First thing what popped up: Why would you want to lock the tablet screen?
When it has a dashboard only function that is.
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I’m using an ipad with guided acces in the homey app. Explained by emile. (Link
You can select parts of the screen that you dont want to be accessible. This when in guided acces people can’t exit the dashboard screen.
I couldn’t get the motion sensor to work the way he did. Instead i made a flow in wich homey sends a notification to the ipad.
I’m using a ipad 9th gen.
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I probably wrote that thing unclearly or incomplete, but your correct question opens up another
: better having the screen always on or switched off (that Was meant with “locked”)
Ah I see. I think, when you let the screen turn off, it should be turned on before anyone wants to hit a some button.
With Android you could use the front cam for that, as motion detector.
Having to wait for a screen (and app) to be ready is so annoying.
I think Athom has to introduce a dashboard “user”, which is not allowed to go back to the app?
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To use the front camera do I have to include the tablet in Homey as a Motion detector device or is it an Android normal feature ? I’m in Apple eco-system mainly but as i said i’m going to buy the tablet for that use only so opened to cheaper solutions 
I use a Lenovo M11 tab. It is set on allways on (I use an other dashboard bit this will work the same)
Various tools that might be worth exploring:
- Fire toolbox - allows you to remove the Amazon stuff from a cheap Fire tablet and add other stuff Amazon doesn’t want you to use.
- Fully kiosk web browser - Converts an Android tablet into a kiosk, locking features down and adding new ones (like using camera to wake)
- Dashboard controller app - integrates Homey with the Fully kiosk browser; I use it to automatically charge the tablet when battery is low and turn charging off when it gets to 85% in order to preserve battery life
- Micro web server app - converts Homey to a simple web and FTP server; I have written my own simple dashboard in HTML/CSS/Javascript, it’s not very sophisticated but focuses on supporting visitors unfamiliar with our set up.
Thanks a lot. Will give a look to the fire suite you linked to have a First try with a Kindle fire laying unused in a drawer