My Tado app has communication time outs and crashes after some time.
I had this problem on a standard Homey. Help desk is looking into it since months without results.
I upgraded to a Pro because my memory was full. Everything perfect except Tado.
So question to you guys. Are more people having this problem? What can I do?
no issues with tado here, did you already try to re-install the tado app on homey?
Hi Toon,
I experience the same or similar at least all my tado devices become unavailable with status “invalid response (400)”. Also on a regular basis now my Homey goes offline and says “Oops, I couldn’t reach the server”.
I expect both problems are related to problems that Athom experiences with the cloud. The service Cloud Connect is under maintenance for quite some time now. Support says they do not know when this will be fixed…
In order to get my devices from tado up and running again I have to remove them and add them again. Then repair a lot of flow (which need to have old devices removed and new ones added).
Very annoying.
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I tried this already. Unfortunately I cannot repair the situation so far.
You still don’t have any issues with Tado?
Can you tell me how many Tado devices you’ve added to Homey? Do you use flows with them?