Connect Yale doorman L3?

Hi there!

Does the Yale doorman L3 door handle work with Homey? When I search for Yale in devices there are a lot of door handles but none of which is Doorman L3.

Did you try this app?

This is in the changelog.

22 aug 2022
Add secure lock capability for Doorman L3
17 aug 2022
Add secure lock capability for Doorman L3

They are now at version 1.8.

Thank you for your quick answer. I haven’t really tried anything yet. It was not of a research for the future since I’m moving to a house this summer :blush:
However, the only thing available in the Yale access app seems to be a lock (without handle part) but maybe it doesn’t matter? Total beginner on this side, as you may notice on my basic questions.

Yeah, that does not matter - the Yale Doorman L3 is supported:)
However, I am myself experiencing significant delays in the status reporting.
For instance, if I unlock the door from Homey, it takes about 20-30 seconds before the door actually unlocks.

Is this still an issue?
Thinking about buying the L3 lock, but only if it works in homey as expected (although there seems to be different variants of them, even in the same color).

I think there’s about a 5 sec lag, but doesn’t matter most of the time.

Additional lags could involve your local network or Homey general responsiveness.

The yale doorman L3 could sometimes miss a update but probably due to Yale connect than the Homey itself.

My Doorman L3 has stopped responding to Homey app (v1.9.6) command’s (lock/unlock). The app still presents the L3 states correctly. The integration worked perfectly up until a few weeks back.
Anyone else experiencing the same issues?

Welcom to the forum!

Tried now and didn’t work for me either. :pensive:

You may report a bug here: Support | Homey

Posted a support ticket, awaiting their response.

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Yale Home app updated today, and it’s working again. That was fast! :metal:

Indeed, rapid action from the Yale support team :slight_smile:
Yale Home app v1.9.7 seem to have resolved what was concluded to be an incorrect blocking in the Yale API.

I recently migrated to HP2023 (from HP2019), and while my Doorman L3 could be locked/unlocked after the migration (Yale app was version 1.9.7), if the lock was operated outside of Homey (on the lock itself or through the Yale phone app), the lock status would not update in Homey, so flows that depended on knowing the current status wasn’t working as expected.

The “force refresh” flow card was able to update the status correctly, but it shouldn’t really be necessary. I then tried updating to the test version of the Yale Home app (which is 2.0.3), and now the lock status is correctly updated automatically. Not sure why though, since it only mentions “Improve error handling” in the changelog.

To check if this was just a fluke, I then tried to downgrade back to 1.9.7, but that made it completely unusable (no control, no status), weirdly enough. :frowning:

Going back to the test version fixed it again, but I find this a bit odd. I guess I’ll just have to stay on the test version for now, but I usually prefer to stay on the release versions of apps.

Strange. Has worked flawlessly for me after the v1.9.7 app update.
For the record, my L3 lock on firmware 3.2.1-4.0.0-2.1.0 and Connect bridge on v2.4.0.

My lock and bridge have the same firmware versions as yours, so that’s not it. This is no big deal, as it works just fine on the test version, it is just a strange issue.