Chronograph timers in AVD tile

Thanks Dietrich,

The mobile app often doesn’t show (your new) the status field by itself. In these cases, you’ll have to pick the status indicator yourself.
Sometimes you also need to enter some other zone and go back to ‘activate’ it.

Ah, had a hard time what you meant with this, but suddenly I got it. You meant setting the Optionally update mobile app to Y or N in the flowcard
Screenshot from 2023-10-06 06-02-47

Not needed anymore, in this case :wink:
I use the sick function “Reflect” which works without flows.

You can tick the box “create tag”, and then the value is available in flows. You can see it in the examples below

Ha, that made me think of this AVD (made possible by Arie :facepunch: ):

Full post with shared AVD+flow here: