Chromecast don’t work anymore

Homey detects my chromecast device and lets me add it, but there is no actual connection. I can’t control by chromecast and whatever is cast to it does not show in homey. I’ve tried removing the unit, reinstalling the app. Nothing works.

Should it show “what you are playing” in Homey?

Yes it should, but it does not.

No issues here, with several Chromecast enabled devices.
Do you have anything fancy influencing your network? Like pihole, adguard, firewalls and such? If so, try to disable it temporarily to see if it makes a difference.

Nothing fancy here. The only thing that’s changed is that I upgraded from iPhone 12 to 16 last week. Been having all sorts of problems since, even though the settings and permissions are the same.

To give an example, I couldn’t get presence detection of my user to work(worked for my wife). All permissions and settings was correct. Suddenly started working yesterday.

Did you try to restart the Chromecast app already???


All my Nest speakers and Nest hubs are still connected and working on Homey Pro 2023. One was however disconnected, a Formuler Android TV but it could be that I didn’t notice it until now. After rebooting the Formuler box, it was reconnected to Homey.

Do you have multiple networks - Multiple Wifi? Are you mixing Wifi and Ethernet? How is your Homey connected and your Chromecast device?

Mixing ethernet & wifi shouldn’t be an issue, Didier, it is very common actually. Almost any wifi router device has ethernet ports as well.
It is not an issue as long as both use the same subnet, like or or

Yes, I’m really aware of that @Peter_Kawa. I was trying to identify if different networks were involved by asking in a simple way first and then I would have asked more details. Not everyone knows what are VLAN or subnet.
And if they are on different VLAN / Subnet without @Stian_Opsahl knowing about it, it might be the issue.

For the record I have about 15 VLAN and around 10 network switches and many other network devices

I can’t see why this is relevant in my case. I have not altered my setup/network in any way other than getting a new iPhone. Before getting a new iPhone everything by worked fine.

My setup is very simple. A basic and fairly modern WiFi router from my tv/internett provider. Homey pro 2023 connected with WIFI. I keep it simple.

In that case it’s not relevant but it’s always worth checking since Chromecast keep working with Homey for others and myself.

I assume your Chromecast still works from your phone?

Which Chromecast device is it?

Of course, thank you for trying and taking the time to help me out.

Yes it works from Google home on my phone.

It’s the old black HD kind.

I had the same problem, simply restarting the homey pro does the trick for me……

It works again now, for reasons unknown :person_shrugging: