Christopher Charpentier - OT - Complains about Athom/Homey in [APP][Pro] Tuya Zigbee App

Sure ! Open system is much better but this is indépendant from Athom duty to offer official updates for main devices lines directly from the box .
Thanks !

Christopher Charpentier

Agree or disagree, just my 2 cents

What i’ve never seen someone mention is that Tuya is the biggest problem in the room. Their whitelabel DIY environment makes our devices not work out of the box. Simply because that 1 door sensor or socket plug can come in like 1000’s different manufacturer id’s. And yes every single one with the exact same function has to have 1 line of code added to this app.

This is likely the reason Athom has not build an app them selves because there is no end to these manufacturer id’s not spoken about the product id’s they use at mix and match.
000201 can be a switch for 1 but next time its 000201 for a exotic curtain motor.
Now we’re at it, 2 of the exact same functional devices can use totaly different zigbee commands to do stuff. Both with the same product id but a different manufacturer id.

If i were the main developer of this app and with the high demand of new devices due to the above, and the few complaining about it taking long for updates i’d be unmotivated and pull the app offline.

I do like the open platform Athom calls it and yes i think they should make changes. Either to create a central development platform for storing source code so other devs can easily pickup on apps. But this has legal issues when doing so for the current base.

On the other hand if they could provide in a way to install apps through zip files or some sort atleast for the homey pro it would make it a lot easier for the not so code junkies to install / side load apps.

That being said.

I personally buy the aliexpress tuya stuff too to save a few bucks, and yes for all the cheap stuff i get most is not recognized i code them myself. I see this is not for everyone but there are tons of alternatives.

Pay a few $ € 's more and get:
Aquara devices with the aqara app. Official
Ikea Tradfri with the Ikea app. Official
Just to name a couple with a not that much higher price point than the Tuya aliexpress crap.

So to wrap up if you want Homey and all devices in your smarthome to just work
Don’t buy tuya


hi Christopher, what made you sure that your light switches are acting as routers ? cause i used to think the same until i realized that they are no neutral and no neutral devices do not work as routers so i ended up having only 1 router device on my network wihch is the Homey Bridge
can you share a list of the devices you have from here ? Homey Developer Tools

also note that i have 40 devices ( switches, motion sensors and door sensors and they are all working perfectly fine. did you update you Homey Pro to the latest release ? )

We get no news when the app will be updated or taken over by another developper. If anyone has an info it will be useful for everybody.

Christopher Charpentier

Any info on when this update will come?

Christopher Charpentier

You have your own offtopic thread to whine about that.


To be on topic :

1/ do you or does anyone has an idea on when is the next update of Tuya Zigbee App ?

2/ is the ap still maintained ?

3/ Is there anyone apart from Johan working on the app ?

If you had read up on the Git, you would have found a lot of activity by many different users solving many different problems and adding new devices, maybe just not the ones you want.

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I dont understand
I go to the ap and look at what devices are supported and that s it.
I am not (like many) a développer
This is a box for everybody to replace more difficult solutions like home assistant etc. If you need to be an expert and use lots of tricks and turnaround it is not what we were sold…
so I just expect the ap to update and accept more devices or if the free working developper cannot (totally acceptable) , Athom has to take over…
My point of view. And I don’t believe I must be censored for that. This is not a sect and I am not telling a blaspheme. Just normal user thought.

Christopher Charpentier

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1\ :soon:
2\ yes
3\ yes, check Github for pull requests

Unfortunately seems Johan is busy, all the time, but the number of requests is huge. It’s a pity we don’t have any official statement nor feedback from @johan_bendz but that’s all we can do.

Luckily you have Github, so at this moment you still have options.

The other way you can do is to support developer by donation and yet again, even when you donate, you can’t ask ETA anyway (community developer rules).

But discussing this again and again, is simply not helping to anything.

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Please use your own nag thread for this.

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Thanks a lot for your perfect answer.
I feel even a bit of disappointment… just to know I am not alone…
Sorry if you feel I insist too much but I had really no answer and we have no view of the future…
your answer is the first in weeks/months giving real information and I appreciate.
I never intend to be unpleasant.
I am planning (and testing) the equipment of my future home and I was really excited by Homey from what they tell but I feel so disappointed regarding the limited nbr of devices supported and it is really a problem … a big problem.
I will not go on GitHub, I don’t want a geek product with a lot of tricks and multiple hubs, clouds and unofficial complicated methods… I just want a box and supported simple devices… I don’t need (I believe I am not alone) sophisticated schemes and flows , just basic things to automate home and Tuya devices for instance (like Aqara also but they are limited) are perfect for that.
Beside that, I read a lot of posts regarding other apps and more and more complain. Nothing seems working very well. There is a real problem.
Just learned Life Domus box/solution disappeared - despite huge qualities - and left thousands of customers in the wild.
Some apps have been abandoned recently on homey , for the same reason I point out… the developpers just let homey down… this is not good
Home automation is serious and a choice for many years.
Looking at what is happening here is really questioning the choice I made.
If Homey does not solve this ap problem, customers will flee and the product will die… hence my questions and insistence. This is not just about Tuya zigbee app.
Sorry if this makes some people uncomfortable… but this is a community forum, so where else can we express ourself ?
Thanks again for your input. I will. wait for the next update, but clock is ticking…

Christopher Charpentier

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Home automation is still very much a geek thing.

It’s simple you bought a Homey product and cheap skate by buying tuya crap.
Buy devices that are supported by official apps and knock at athoms or the manufacturers door. To name a few:
Philips Hue

For weeks i was willing to fork the project and see if i can get a second option in the homey app store but people like you make me keep my version to myself. Pretty sure Johan has the same feeling about that by now reading all your posts.



Sorry but I am not interested in crap (otherwise Iwould not have bought the most expensive box on the market!!) and my previous home was KNX… just the display was 3000€… (
I also have aqara and netatmo for instance. Please don’t judge when you don’t know.
Homey has been marketed as easy, open, multi protocol etc…
I am not responsible for Homey communication.
Many useful devices (eg din rail switch) don’t exist at Aqara or other. Another example : find a zigbee sensor for temp, humidity AND Luminance apart from Tuya devices. Or a temp sensor that is for outside (ip68) that is zigbee. It is not a matter of price.
I feel extraordinary that it seems forbidden to criticize or you get censored or flagged… And retaliation by blocking updates is harming all the other « nice » people who just say nothing. Really unfair.
And please: you don’t know at all what Johan thinks because he is not communicating anymore for months to anybody. And I read posts of other developers who want to help and get nothing either and no update is allowed with no explanation.
This is plain facts.

Christopher Charpentier

Again, please bugger off to your own nag topic and stop polluting this topic.

It is what it is, you bought an expensive controller and you have no clue what to do with it. Blame yourself, not the other communitiy members.

So, sell the damn thing and buy the ultimate all-devices-are-working-out-of-the-box-with-this-controller on the market.

Oh wait, there is no such thing. Guess that’s also our fault, not?


From here:

That is why I always said Athom should take care of apps . Depending on good will is not viable. Homey is a commercial product (400€) and it should deliver what it promises : wide compatibility. Working apps, maintained and guaranteed on the long run by paid professionals. And we would pay for each extra official apps - like on an iPhone.

Christopher Charpentier

Different discussion. It wouldn’t solve the issue that users should read instructions before blaming apps and the developer. I dare say that as a non-paid unprofessional I give better support than Athom does on their apps.



I agree they should read instructions etc (I do) and they must not complain because you develop on your free time. . And I understand you do a better work but not all do… and this is no excuse for homey… that should not be the case.
we also miss some dead apps… and no solution…
I was considering buying Shelly’s devices (new home) but what happens if you change your mind in 1, 6 or 24 months? I respect what you do and I also use a nbr of apps by free developers. But my concern is long term …

have a good day and thanks for your work.

Christopher Charpentier