Change Homey notification sound

Is there anyway to change the alert on your device for Homey notifications?

Some notifications are very important and I would like to have them sound different from other info only notifications.

Try Pushover on Homey and mobile. Works for me.

On android, I can set any sound to the events
Long press the app icon, go to ā€˜App infoā€™ and then go to ā€˜Notificationsā€™

It will change all notifications from Homey. With Pushover I can for example have another sound for high priority alerts.

@Peter_Kawa doesnt seem to work on iOS, either that or it doesnā€™t work with the beta App.
I would give Pushover a try but it hasnā€™t been updated for HP23.

Try the test version.

Ah, youā€™re right, I was thinking about the different notification categories, of which you can pick different sounds for, but I did not get the exact point of @Peter_Bittner 's question appearantly :face_with_monocle: :upside_down_face:

Why do I need pushover? should these functionalities (add different sounds, override silence settings of phone and so on) not be just in the base functionality of the Homey app?

Ho I really have to install multiple apps on my families phones instead of just 1ā€¦ ? :confused:

Everyone wants something different.
One person thinks ā€œhow could they forgotā€, the other thinks ā€œnever crossed my mindā€!
Iā€™m the kind of person who absolutely hates any sound coming from my phone, you obviously arenā€™t.
As always, you can request for new features here at
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Well if I setup a smart home (with a central hub as homey is) the possibility to raise alarms should be a key feature:

letā€™s say there is smoke at night - you donā€™t want an alarm?
I always have my phone on silent, but for certain thingsā€¦

does this make it clearer?

You are clear, I only want to show you whatā€™s normal, or logical to you, donā€™t make it necessarily normal or logical to anyone else.
So I donā€™t trust any ā€˜smartā€™ device for smoke alarm ( or smoke alarm sounds) of course, because ā€˜smartā€™ devices like Homey, are unreliable, and primarily designed for switching lights, not for life saving situations. Also wireless signals are just not reliable by their design.

My smoke sensors themselves are loud as fuck and wake up the neighbours as well. Yours should be too?

yes sure, but that was one example.
what about when Iā€™m not at home?

what about I am not at home and my door sensor goes onā€“> alarm me

there is many examples, where a home automation and security system should be able to provide a wide variety of notifications imho. but sure thatā€™s my opinion

Same here, my phone is always in silent mode.

However, I do have some (critical) notifications that I want to be able to hear as well:

  • when one of the flood sensors triggers
  • when a person is spotted on our driveway while weā€™re sleeping
  • when the central heating system produces an error
  • when we go to bed and thereā€™s still a door/window open or unlocked
  • when the water tank of the coffee machine is empty (this is the most important one)

Obviously I do all this with HA, and most notifications have their own sound so I can recognise it without even looking at my phone.

can you please elaborate what you mean with obviously with ā€œHAā€ what is HA and how do you do it? :smiley:

ā€œHome Assistantā€

(Not that I ever used this, I just searched with :beers: )

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ah ok - but that also is another app / software to use, when I think homey should be the base and central steering instanceā€¦ :slight_smile: