Ceiling Fan w/ Aqara T2 module and double rocker switch

Hi Nathan,

Please use the dedicated app topics for app, app device, app support related questions and information
You can find the links to it @ the homey.app app pages.

Hmmm, you probably found another error, Nathan.
@Doekse Aqara T2 is in the best buy guide, not in the app:
Screenshot from 2024-05-24 20-10-08

Nathan, I also found this piece of info, as it seems you have to spam Aqara headquarters:

As far as I know,
Single rocker switch switches one light
Double rocker switch can switch 2 different lights

This is the double rocker electrical scheme, from the site you linked to. It can switch two different lights
Screenshot from 2024-05-24 20-15-47

These are the available flow cards, seems OK to me
(a button has been pressed: this can be any button)
(A scene … has been activated with …: used for any button’s double press or long press and such)