I’m looking to integrate a Catit Pixi feeder into homey. Did anyone succeeded in yet and how did you do this? It seems Catit uses TuyaLink protocol, but so far I couldn’t find any solution with existing Tuya apps.
If it uses Tuya / presents itself as Tuya device, you can control it with Homey using tap-to-run scenes.
See [App][Pro] Tuya Cloud
…I’ll give it a try - it’s difficult to find out more about the product, since the manufacturer didn’t reply on e-mails so far…
ok, I now got an answer from the manufacturer. They confirmed it uses the Tuya protocol, but they cannot provide more information nor a homey app…
I still struggle on how to add the device thou to homey. It has it’s own app and appears with it’s IP address in my network, but there’s no web interface to it. Tap-to-run also seems to require the device already to be registered and added to homey, but how can I do this if the Tuya homey apps do not recognise the device? Sorry for my perhaps stupid questions, but I just can’t get any further…
Not really.
When you can operate the device, with your created tap-to-run scenes, with the phones’ Tuya Smart app, with Homey you can simply use ‘execute scene’ flow cards with the Tuya Cloud community app.
That’s all there is to it (so: no need to add the device to Homey as Tuya Cloud device).
(App restart might be necessary to load the latest tap-to-run scenes to the selection list)
Use this card:
Tapping “Search” shows my tap-to-run scenes I can start