Cast a Youtube video don't work anymore


I usually cast a fireplace to a monitor under the TV. But since last week the video is no longer displayed and I see the Homey logo. When I start it as a test in the homey software, it times out.


Does anyone have a solution or does anyone else have this problem?


It seems to be a general App problem. So please check this topic, maybe there is a solution for you.

Google chromecast app not working

Oh sorry i am new to the forum, didn’t saw the app section.

Thanks for the help!

You’re welcome!

No problem. Btw, the linked topic isn’t a main App topic. Afaik there isn’t a main App topic for the Google Chromecast App at all. Not every app has a main topic. But of course, if a main topic is available, then you should ask there.

Use the newest test version 6.0.7, it should fix the problem:


I also had a problem with the Chromecast app. I use it for playing MP3 messages.
And that had also timeout errors.
With this new version 6.0.7 is works again!!!.

Here also after the update!