Cards unavailable

Last evening, my family informed me that there was no hot water.
It turned out that my automation has failed.
Log in to my Homey pro 2023 (12.1.1) and found the corresponding flow and noticed that the card was unavailable.
Not only the card for control of the hot water, but absolutely all flows had the same problem, “card unavailable”.
After a restart, the Homey works fine again.
Checked the log, no sign of problems related to high CPU/memory usage.

This is not “family” friendly…
Have anyone else experienced this problem?
Is this an expected behaviour and should the Homey pro be restarted on a regularly basis?


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Which card?
Standard logic or app specific?

Absolutely all cards, logic and app specific.
Standard and advanced flows, all was gone.

Hm, sounds as all apps and services got killed. That happened for me only on a ‘small’ HomeyPro19 when no RAM was available.
Sometimes this happens when a flow is triggered very often (several times a second). This can cause a massive RAM usage.

Many thanks.
I will take a closer look at my flows and see if there could be any issues.

Tonight this happened for the third time, report is sent to Athom.

I have checked my flows, can’t see anything that could cause this.
Athom support is unfortunately not top notch for the time being.
Strange if I’m the only one experiencing this issue?
As now, I can’t trust the Homey pro, will look for another solution if this happens again.

If you are the only one with this problem, it probably is a flow or app you are using.

With enough overload you will get any system on it’s knees and its not the sytem to blame…

I have disabled most of my flows, the rest is some that doesn’t trigger too much, like power price has changed (hourly), zones that become active (a few per hour) and outdoor lights on/off according to night/day (twice a day).

Most apps are disabled, the rest is well known/used apps related to devices (Fibaro, Aeotec, Philips hue etc.)
Insights shows a strange peak in CPU load every second hours or so, there is no flow that runs in that pattern. I then guess that this is related to the Homey pro HW/FW.
Well, I understand that I have to wait until Athom support finally have some time to look into this.

Olex, is this issue still happening ? If so, can you please share the screenshots, when this issue happens ? And also overview of your apps from Setting - General. Simply re-share the documentation/evidence, you shared for sure also with Athom support.

I have the same behavior on my Homey Pro 2023 approx. every 4 hours.

As I could not find a correlation with the CPU usage of any of the apps running, I assume it is caused by some internal maintenance task by Homey.

The problem has happened 4 times now.
All flows, standard and advanced, is stopped, “card unavailable”.
No automation works, only solution is to restart Homey when you realize that this has happened.

It hasn’t happened again for a while, simply because I now restart Homey on a regular basis.
However, it should not be like that, that you must schedule a weekly restart to make Homey run smoothly.

On December the 20th, I sent my last answer to Athom with my crash report.
No answer from Athom at all since then.
All I ask from Athom is to look at the crash report, could the problem be identified?
Is it a bad app or is it related to the Homey OS?

Can you share also the part when you However the mouse cursor above I sign in the flow ?
Device Capabilities disabled, is it by intention ?

I reboot Homey every 3rd day, the problem occurs mostly when you have more apps and some of them taking too much memory, then it could happen. I would personally recommend everyone to reboot Homey weekly at least by default.

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Thanks for all your reply’s.

My old homeseer system just run 24/7, I manually updated the Win10 PC every 3rd month or so.
And I just looked at my Unifi network system, it has been running for 146 days without any issues.

And here we have a smart home system that seems to require at least an weekly reboot in order to work smoothly?
The worst here is that Athom support seems to don’t care for the customers in these situations.
I rest my case.

While we can be discussing whether we can even compare Homeseer, running on dedicated OS vs Unifi, which is purpose-built firmware with minimal overhead vs Homey, build of Node.JS, which prioritizes flexibility and rapid development for smart home integrations…I still lack factual answer on the questions.

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Device Capabilities was disabled by intension, tried to disable one by one for testing.
I will check the I sign the next time this happens.

I also got a reply from Athom today.
Unfortunately, they can’t read the report, they waited to long to open the case again and it seems that the report went out of their system.
They asked me to send a new report the next time this happen again (and then they probably wait to long again to take a look…)

Yeah, that’s unfortunate…try to capture also some more details when it happens, including details of available memory from insights etc. You may want to also install Sysinternals app, which can check some additional behavior.

I asked about DC App, because this app has memory issues and it’s crashing repeatedly because of reaching mem limit (120MB), you would see it in the insights