Cannot connect second Netatmo Weather Station

Is it not possible to connect more than one Netatmo Weather Station to Homey? I use Homey Bridge with subcription (newest version), as my Homey Pro haven’t arrived yet.

I bought a second Weather Station because the Outdoor Module broke on the first Weather Station, that I have had for many years. It’s all setup nicely in the Netatmo app - no problems there.

But I cannot get the new Station added to Homey. The first is setup just fine. I use it in flows.

When adding new device, Homey says that devices have been found, but the list is empty. I cannot choose which devices to add and after a while this message appears:
“SendMessageToApp(Com.netatmo)Timeout after 15000ms”

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[APP] Netatmo - Same home, just smarter. (by Athom)