Cancel a Flow from finishing?

Hey Guys

I have a few flows that once started have a delay to turn off the device - Sometimes I want to cancel that flow but even when you disable the flow once it has started it has to finish turning off the device - is there a way to cancel a flow mid way so it doesn’t finish when its supposed to


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You need to build that with conditions but then it just finishes another part.

Do I understand you correctly that you are using the build-in delay cards?
Could you show a flow for us?

yes I am using the built in delay card

Instead of using a build-in delay flow card, which can’t be interrupted except with restarting Homey, you may use a timer app, e.g. Chronograph app.
It’s possible to stopp a Chronograph timer so that the Heating in the kitchen doesn’t turned off, if it’s needed.
But, the Chronograph and similar apps are only supported by Homey Pros. You didn’t mentioned what Homey you are using.

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Hi thanks yes I have a Homey Pro - will have a look at the app

You could insert a variable at every step :

Abort flow : Yes/No
I Yes let de flow stop there, of No continue

Then create a button that sets the varaible to yes or no

Another wat is to put the card to turn off the kitchen heater in a different flow.
And replace it in your current flow by a “start flow” card.

Now you can disable the new flow so it will not run…

Thanks for all the info - that Heating card is in the kitchen zone which is actually the boiler on/off to start the heating for the house - I have TVRs on all the radiators with 8 thermostats around the house in various rooms to control the TVRs - I have 6 different flows to heat certain rooms depending on what needs heating - the flow in question is only for the bathroom and all TVRs are shut off - the bathroom doesn’t have a TVR as you need at least one radiator to flow all the time - so if that bathroom delay flow is running and not finished and then a flow is started to heat downstairs only when the other delayed flow finishes it will shut off the boiler which I’m trying to prevent that from happening - it’s not often that this bathroom delayed flow gets used - hope all this makes sense

Got it all working by adding the CountDown timer as I had that installed - forgot all about that app - then added to each heating flow a cancelation to the timer - Thanks guys for all your suggestions

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