Button + (Release 0.5.5, Test 0.5.9)

I have a big update waiting to see if Ronald will accept my pull requests for MQTT dimming and extra button events (double click, multiple click, quick click). If he doesn’t accept them, I need to pull out my end of those so they don’t cause any issues. I am also investigating ways to make the configuration updates more efficient as I had forgotten how slow the old Homeys were as I had done all my testing on my HP2023. On my HP2019 I am getting timeouts when transferring the configurations, which appears to be the cause of some issue reported here.
Unfortunately that is holding up some other bug fixes, but rest assured I am still actively working on the app and I haven’t forgotten you all.


Thx for this update from your side @Adrian_Rockall. I, and I think we all, know this is a product in development and we have to work around some bugs and missing things to be able to use this product at this moment. Your devotion gives met the confidence everything will be alright sooner or later :star_struck:


Hej @Adrian_Rockall , many thanks for setting up this app. While all the Button+ stuff is still in “beta” in combination with your app it can be already quite useful.

I’m wondering if I’m doing this in the right way.
Here in Sweden we have our car equipped with an electrical car heater. In combination with the Calendar app and a Neo plug we will have it switched on when necessary. Because the garage is quite far (on the edge of Z-wave network) sometimes the signal isn’t working. So the Neo plug is reporting the wattage, and when higher then I know the car is plugged in and heated.

I’ve assigned one button for this and is working quite fine, however when I want to show the used wattage it is only in the Title label possible and not in the label it self. Is that right?

I’m using this card to get the variable in the title:

Downside is that the variable doesn´t seems to get update probably it is just a momentary value on the time the label is created, which makes sense, no mqtt involved in this.
I also prefer to keep the title the title and have the label updated.

Is this anyway even possible of am I thinking the wrong way?

The only way at the moment is to keep triggering that flow when the power changes. That way it will update the top label.
It’s one of those use cases I hadn’t thought of before, so nothing is built in to the configuration to make the top label dynamic like that. Hopefully you can make it work via the Flow.

Ok, thanks Adrian, will make a timer and push the power change. No way to get in in the label itself instead of the title?

@Adrian_Rockall I thought this card was meant to change the “label”, not “top label”. Changing the label makes sense to me (pressing a button, state op something changes, change the label for that button by flow). Which usecase do we have to change the toplabel?
I tried to use this flowcard to change label, but it’s not working for me yet (Didn’t report a bug because I’m waiting for the other fixes first).

Hmm, you are correct. I got dazzled by the fact it was setting the top label and my mind went to that as I have added a new card to set the label in the upcoming update. At the same time I renamed that Flow card to show it sets the top label. So functionality of that card stays the same, but with appropriate title and there will be a new card to set the label. (I think)

So, to summarise, if you didn’t manged to follow the above rambling, the Flow card to set the text will be available in the next update. If I remember correctly, you will also need to ensure the On and Off text are empty, or they will keep overwriting you Flow changes.



I have published an update to test. I have removed some of the new features that are waiting for new firmware so I can get the bug fixes out there.


HI Adrian,

My switch of the button configurations is still not working correct. sometimes the label on the button change, but I need to reset the Button+ afterwards to get it back.
Did you have had the change to look into this?

Thanks and regards,


If you mean after no top label is displayed, you need to reset to get the new one back, then it’s an issue with the firmware. I have submitted a pull request to fix that which will be in the next release.

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Unfortunately the last beta update fixed not my issue. The test messages what are send when I press the button only arrives when I restart the button application on homey. I must probably wait for a firmware update, before you can fix this, @Adrian_Rockall ?

Thx for this. This is GitHub issue # 83 I suppose? Tested it and it works :slight_smile:

I have three buttons now (sorry for dutch):

One for Top label on configuration number
One for Text on connector number
One for Label on connector number

What is difference between 2&3?
Why difference between configuration number and connector number? I would prefer at least configuration number (as you would guess :innocent:)

Item 3 should probably be Top label, so the same as 1 but for the connectors rather than configurations.

I will add the 4th option for Configuration Text.


Ah, that would be great. Maybe an idea to rename #3 to also “top label”
And #2 and the new one (#4) to rename “Text”/“Tekst” to “label”

That way the naming is the same as button+ configuration and topics

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Hi adrian,

Many thanks for the app, just installed it and most things work. now I see that the brightness adjustment of the display and buttons doesnt work when you give them a other value in homey. when you dim them in the button+ website the do work and dim

also the flow cart Switch (left/right) button ON (or OFF) on configuration does not work.
with one of the buttons I switch all my livingroom lights on due a flow, but they also get triggers from other flows and when that happens the value on the button+ dont change because its not a ON/OFF capability. so I when the other flows are triggering I want that the button+ switch also to the correct state.

also any idea how I get rid of my ip adres in the display?

Another big thank you for building this app

I’m waiting for my pull request to be added to the firmware so the brightness can be controlled via MQTT.
At the moment it is only possible by changing the configuration which is a timely process so no practical to use.

How do you setup the button configuration?

That is fixed in place by the Button plus firmware, so currently no way to remove it.

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I have solved this by adding virtual devices in Homey, these can then be set in your flow as on/off and you can also use them as ON/OFF in your Button configuration.

aah oke, then I wait patiently :slightly_smiling_face:

here is the configuration and the flow, because I dont want to change my light flows always for a new device or something I made a flow and with other flows I run the lights flow.

i have put the cart I said to the flow but nothing happens when it triggers not even with a test run.

sorry flows are in dutch.

okay clear.

yes I know this but I have many flows which I’m starting from other flows and I dont want to have several useless devices because it makes a flow easier or a other device better

Should be fixed in new test version.