Button + (Release 0.5.5, Test 0.5.9)

Yes works now, you’re fantastic! thanks

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I’ve not read the whole thread: But i installed the Button+ configures the MQTT (its states connected) and now i’ve installed the app on the Homey.

But what ever config i am trying to make: It does not update on the Button+ itself. Also i can’t see the virtual device, but it seems that is disabled on purpose reading above? How should i be able to adjust the button+ through the app? (they are both connected on the same WIFI)

Have you added a Button Plus device to Homey?
Once you have done that, you then set which configuration you want to apply to the display and each button in that device.

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Ah, my bad. I will continue now :slight_smile:
Managed to get things going now! Currently facing other issues like the display remaining empty (while the button+ interface does show the right content. But I will check in later once I’ve done my own debugging. TNX!

Good morning and thanks for the great app!

I was wondering; is it possible to use tekst/numeric strings on the display/buttons? I’ve got now the SMPL display and I really like the possibility to completely tune and tweak the text and info I would like to see.
For the button plus, I would like (for example) a custom temp plus/minus button and a text string as info so I can adjust it to CV/Airco and custom actions in Homey. Thanks for help and any info!

It is possible as you can specify the On / Off text for the button or send text to be displayed using a Flow card.

Might be a rookie question, but I’ve been able to correctly configure bar modules 1 and 2, but the 3rd one continues to look like this:


In the app “button configuration” 1 and 2 correspond to BAR modules 1 and 2, but the 3rd one (and I’ve also tried 4 and 5) don’t update the 3rd BAR module. I might be overlooking something… but any ideas how to update the 3rd module?


I found that sometimes in testing/rebooting the devices, changes are not applied directly. This might have improved with newer versions of the app.

I created a quick flow which I start during testing in case I feel that the config needs to be re-applied.

Ahh, ok. But it is on or off? For example, for my screen I would like to add also the current position, for the Airco also the mode, etc. Here what I have now. I would like to have the same, but now with buttons :smiling_face:

If not possible, then I will look for another solution :smiling_face:

(Note; the 8 text fields are changing over the day. Just the 8 most relevant for that moment are shown.)

Have you checked the Homey Button device settings to ensure you are assigning the configuration to the BAR?

There is also a maintenance option to reapply all the configuration to the device. Maybe I can also add a flow to perform that action.

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So, my thoughts are to set the buttons to ‘App Button Only’ and leave the On and Off fields empty. Then create a flow that detects the change of the Airco mode and send that to the button Label. Also create a flow that detects when the button is clicked and change the mode of the Airco.
For the screen position you could assign the ‘open /idle / close’ capability to the button (or App Button Only if it doesn’t have that), but again leave the On / Off empty and send the position to the Label of the button.

Ahh, thanks! Really really nice. Thanks again for your great work, time and app’

2 last things for now4

  1. Is it possible to show the ‘€’ (Euro) symbol? It is now an square on the screen. I use this for salty oower consumption :smiling_face:
  2. I have the option to set what color I want to give a button when anything is ON. I would like to set the opposite. (Default off or green and RED led when disabled). If not, then I will search for a workaround) maybe virtual device with inverted actions or so :smiling_face:

Thanks again for your help!

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Both of those are firmware restrictions. Ronald might be able to generate the Euro characters and allow for more colour options for the off states. There is a section on the Button plus website to request these but I will also ask Ronald.

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Is there an easy way you can trigger a flow with the app? Or is the only way creating a virtual device and add flow triggers here?

Also I’ve see some wordings on long-press support, but seems not to be in the application yet?

Ahh, thanks! For the led color; I thought, maybe that an ‘inverse’ button could fix this. In my case, i would like to have it colored red when a specific function is off. Thanks again for your fast replay and help!

There are Flow triggers for button clicked, as well as long press and release events. So you can use those to perform any custom actions

I have mentioned it to Ronald and he will consider it. At the moment I’m still pushing for the dimming via MQTT but he seems reluctant to add it. I think it is partly because he has a lot to do with the web interface to catch up.


Thanks for the heads up, that worked!

Ok, where should I see these options in the app? I’ve used virtual devices now to trigger flows.

And I’ve not found any long press support somewhere.

Last but not least; how can I set what the top buttons should do (the one on the display)? Seems there is no way to set these?

Something like this would be my end goal (where the button acts as menu option) https://youtu.be/7AnDpWmnBHo?si=nTSr5jjX2BTxqExc