Button + (Release 0.5.5, Test 0.5.9)

It is in the Flow triggers:

They are also available via the Flow triggers.

@Adrian_Rockall , you still are communicating with the developer of Button+? It seems so quite from that side. No blogs/news letters for a long time, no firmware updates at all since the first deliveries. Iįøæ almost going to believe that he abandoned ship, but also can imagine he is quite busy with all what was coming after the first batch delivery. I guess smaller firmware updates are preferable for this first batch, now we are all waiting for updated functions for quite a while unfortunately.

No rant to the developer or you anyway, just a bit disappointed that there is no news at all from the Button+ side.

Yes, Iā€™m still in communication with him. He has broken his shoulder, which has slowed him down, but he is still working on the project. I believe he is busy updating the web interface side as it has got behind of the firmware features.
I have provided a few pull requests for the firmware, but he hasnā€™t had time to test them and is doesnā€™t want to compromise the reliability.


FYI: there is a update available 1.08, and you now can set status bar to bottom/top or no status bar so the ip adres is gone. Nice :muscle:

You need to go to the web interface > display configurations.


So, new day new change to get the buttonā€™s working on the B+ ā€¦ Unfortunately, still a pain :sweat_smile: what I try to figure out now, but I canā€™t find the problem that the button send always 2 Onā€™s or Offā€™s. I test it with the variable setting or just the button press setting and use the press on/off card in homey. But I get always now 2 messages if I press 1 time (test flow) I use different connector number, but still the same problem. Is this a bug or Iā€™m doing something wrong here? And I checked if there are no 2 the same action cards, and that is not the caseā€¦

it was more 1 ON and directly after that a OFF, after 1 pressā€¦ Somehow it working now. After restart the application, and re-add the button configuration ā€¦ Itā€™s weird. But yeah, betaā€¦

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Today I enthusiastically started installing the Button+. In the beginning it did go well and after setting it up on Homey all the data was nicely transferred to the Button+. At that time I was still on firmware 1.07. At one point it did not work anymore and the data from Homey was no longer visible on the Button+. I now appear to be on version 1.08.

After a factory reset I wanted to start again but unfortunately the connection between Homey and Button+ does not seem to work. Is this problem recognizable to anyone or does anyone have an idea what I need to do to get it working?

Yes i think i have the same issue. Adrian is looking at it

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Ok thanks for letting me know!

@Adrian_Rockall if you need any more data from me or when I can help with testing, just let me knowā€™

Iā€™ve seen that behavior before, a restart of the application did the trick for me. Allthough i am fasing other problems now where the button+ virtual display is simply ā€œgoneā€ā€¦


Thatā€™s what I had as well

That is normally due to the setup being too complex for the virtual display (possibly too many entries for the large display configuration).
Hopefully Ronald will address those as he updates the web interface.

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I have published a new test version that hopefully fixes the problems caused by the firmware V1.08 update.


Ok, after iā€™ve done a reset i get back the interface, and re-applied the config. But nothing on the virtual display is actually true. Even the textual data is not updating? So yea, probb. on Button+ side. It did happen at a certain moment when i added a button / new device.

Note that the display is working as it should with all the right data there :slight_smile: Also got the flows going, so iā€™m all set to have some fun during the weekend and configure this :smiley:

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It works again for me! thank you very much!

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For me, running at 0.3.9 and fw 1.0.8, buttonbar behaviour seems a bit of.

Selecting button configuration 1 within Homey b+ app doesnā€™t switch to those configuration settings. And also on another button configurations on/off state is not reflecting ā€œreallifeā€.

I have a one-buttonbar hardwareconfig.

Will try to reset it later on, but it is build in a ā€œalarm clockā€ printed housing, so I canā€™t reach reset buttons yet :wink:

Curious if more people experience ā€˜ofā€™ button configuration behaviour since 1.0.8.

Thanks for the update Adrian! :+1:

I uninstalled the Button+ app from Homey and restarted Homey. I also reset the Button+. Then installed version 0.3.9 of the app and fortunately the Button+ (version 1.0.8) recognized the Homey again.

Unfortunately, I am experiencing similar problems as @Kringloper.

New test version should fix the configuration change not updating issue.

Also added an Advance Setting option to control the status line (WiFi signal and IP Address). It can now be switched off, placed at bottom or at the top.


Working again, thanks for the quick fix!

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Works fine again, thanks!