Button + (Release 0.5.5, Test 0.5.9)

The only thing I still don’t understand is how to get the screen buttons to work. I did manage to get text there and when I press a button the status goes to ‘true’ very briefly, but other than that I can’t get it to work. Any ideas?

As the display has no LEDS I made the buttons on their stateless as I thought they would be used for a sort of menu system.

One of my Bars is not updating correctly @Adrian_Rockall:
This is my configuration

But this is displayed:

So the left button is updated with the configuration of the right button.
And (although the text says differently) the right button switches WK Lampen (livingroom lights).
And the right button does not have the right color (both front and wall led). It should be the same as the bright red that the left button has…

After I restart the Button+ I do see the correct config (at least the texts) for a second, bit it seems to get overwrittten with the wrong config after 1-2 seconds.
I deleted the device on the Button+ device on the Button+ site, so it can not come from there.

I sent you a diagnostic report. v1.08 / v0.3.10
Any idea?

It looks like the left and right button are setup with the same device in the configuration.
If that is the case then I can understand there is confusion as the MQTT messages are based on the device and capability id.
Not sure about the LED issues. Is that the only one that shows up like that?

No, the buttons are setup with different devices, @Adrian_Rockall. See the first screenshot in my post.
And that’s the only configuration of the led that gives problems. When copied to another Bar, the color is off too.

I had the problem before, but that has settled “itself” in some way…

It seems that both buttons refer to wklampen, bit with different labels.

Oh, now I see! How stupid…
Strange that that changed without interference…
So that is solved now.
Still having the problem of the incorrect led color…

The LED is a strange one. In the web interface do you see the same colur value for both buttons?

Yes, in the webinterface they are both bright red,just like the left button ones.
Both front and wall leds seem to have the samecolor too.
As if the color code got messed uo somewhere in the configuration.
When I changed them to blue or green (for instance) and change them back to bright red, I get the same light/pink color again.
And the off-color is copied along with the configuration when I change it to another Bar… :frowning:

Just noticed the changelog of firmware v1.08:

See Link

Perhaps a bug in the new firmware?
Or not, if the incorrect color is copied to another bar as well, when changing that config?

Some observations after playing with my Button+ device (great device!)

1, I’ve disabled the ‘show WiFi address in display’ option. After a reboot of the display (power cut) is is shown again. I have to enable and disable the option. Do I something wrong?
2. When plugging in my button+, it is not connecting to Homey. When I restart the app (homey button+ app, it is working fine.
3. When selecting the pre-configured green color, it like white on the button+. But when selecting them on the ‘spectrum’ screen (see below) they are nice green.
4. When turning on the display; sometimes the buttons stay as snow (like the old televisions with l colors. When I (re) set a configuration of a bar, that bar is working and showing info.
5. For all button and screens. When I set them to a number (example 19); screen 19 is loaded. But when a read the current screen, it is always 1 lower. I I set it to 19, I read current screen 18. When set to 1, current screen is 0. This is for button and display configs.

Anybody an idea what I do wrong? Thanks for help and @Adrian_Rockall Thanks for your great app! Really enjoy this device already!

  1. I have just tried it on mine and it seems to be working OK. If I turn it off, it stays off.
  2. Again, tried it here and it is connecting OK, so not sure why it not for you.
  3. Works OK here. Could you set the “Enable full diagnostics Log” option, then change the LED colour to the pre-configured green and then find the “ledcolorfront” line for the relevant connector in the log and check the number it has picked.
  4. It seems your system is not performing a clean reset. I will ask Ronald to see what he says.
  5. Can you let me know how you set and read the numbers so I can check.

Looks like my problem when resetting the button+ with display configuration with (too) many items to display. How many items are on your display when you reset the display and the buttons show “snow”? And when you go the the webui after reconfiguration does it show your configuration? Or an empty screen (only button+ logo and refresh circle)?
You know you can resend complete configuration in settings menu of the button+ device (on homey)?

1 Like

Ahh, thanks!

Here my answers:

  1. I have just tried it on mine and it seems to be working OK. If I turn it off, it stays off.
    Ranney: hmm strange. I’ve resend the config after a factory reset. It looks like it is working now :+1:
    EDIT: still not working. Even after a factory reset or force updating config.

  2. Again, tried it here and it is connecting OK, so not sure why it not for you.
    Ranney: I’ve tried it 3 times. Display is working now. But buttons still white:noisy. Fixed it now to switch the buttons twice :+1:
    EDIT: See above. Same problem. But reboot app still solves the issue. After that, the display is working fine!

  3. Works OK here. Could you set the “Enable full diagnostics Log” option, then change the LED colour to the pre-configured green and then find the “ledcolorfront” line for the relevant connector in the log and check the number it has picked.
    Ranney: Sorry, I’ve removed the default colors. Do I cannot test it anymore now. I’ve set the colors in this screen. Than it is working as expected

  4. It seems your system is not performing a clean reset. I will ask Ronald to see what he says.
    Ranney: Thanks!
    EDIT: Just tried the factory reset. It is still behaving the same.

  5. Can you let me know how you set and read the numbers so I can check.
    Ranney: Sure! I found out that automatically send the button config I want (every update cycle/power usage update/10 sec) is crashing my button+. This is of course not needed. So I use the ‘AND’ flow logic card. If not (Button+ button config 18 or display config 18 then set it to that screen). Setting it to a display or button config is working great. But CHECKING result in a reading that is 1 lower then actual. So screen 1 is traded as ‘0’. And button config 16 is reading ‘15’. At this moment I have set all ‘check:AND’ flows 1 lower and now it works. (It not screen 7, set it to 8)

Hopefully this will answer the questions. And sorry, quoting is not working on my smartphone.

Edit: it was just once. After a power cut, it stays like this:

A reboot of the app solves the ‘issue’.

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Hmm, also interesting. I have 16 items on the screen. When it is working, it is no problem. It is running fine. Just after the power is turned on, the display is not working until the app (homey) is restarted.

The web interface is empty. Just that smal tekst field in the left top corner.

Thanks for your time and help!

I had the same, its the limit of the Button+ interface. I found another problem where some my buttons are not updating to the new settings. Some are working just fine but some are not. Whatever i try they don’t change.

Example: On Button config 1 the right one is working, but the left one is not updating anymore.
OR: On button config 3, the left one is working, but the right one is not updating anymore.

A restart of the button+ and/or the app doesn’t fix it. Any ideas?

LOG: undefined

  • 2024-01-21T16:24:27.807Z
    triggerFlow (config_button_change) Error: Could not trigger Flow card with id “config_button_change”: Invalid value for token state. Expected boolean but got object

Are you running the latest test version as I thought I had fixed that Flow issue?

With the configurations that has issues, is there anything thing coming between the buttons that don’t work?

I wonder if the problems with the Button not working after a restart could be because the configuration is too big. Could someone have that issue send me their configuration by using the Export feature and then copy the contents of the list and send it to me in pm?

Yes, I have the latest test version of the app installed and latest firmware.

The display and buttons are working great (even after hours). But only if a restart the Button+ app after powering on the Button+ itself. When selecting the restart app button, the Button plus is working within seconds. But when waiting, even after 30 min, the button+ is not working.

I’m using around 12 of the display and button configurations. For the display, a max of 16 values at a time. Is it helpful if I send my config by PM?

And a technical (very) stupid question… But after a long search I can’t find the answer to this. I hope someone can help me with this.

I now have a TaDo thermostat (wired) hanging in the living room. The central heating boiler is located in the attic (2 floors higher - at least 10 meters of wire between them).
It is my intention to use the TaDo thermostat wirelessly and to hang the Button+ where the thermostat is located (and to feed over this wire). ==> I Don’t like an USB cable to the Button+ over the wall
My interpretation and thought is that 3.3v/1a should not be a problem for this thread, is that correct?

Second point is that with my very modest technical knowledge I expect that there will be a voltage drop at this low voltage over about 10 meters. I also read that I can expect problems on Button+'s issue tracker (Button + - top issue). Now I have found a site where you can estimate the ‘drop’ in the voltage…

Now it comes… Is it possible to compensate for this drop? For example, by connecting a 4.5v adapter to the wire at the boiler and hanging the Button plus on the wall 10 meters lower…? Or does anyone have better/safer/different inspiration and/or advice? Anybody an idea in what range the Button+ can operate without issues?

My idea would be this adapter, 4.5v and then of course a fuse in between.

Another option… Just feed 4,5v over the line and use a buck converter like this to bring it down to 3.3v?

Thanks for any advice!

Thank you so much Adrian! I managed to get things going. Still want to do the last few things, but i am so happy of the result already! See my video here: