Button + (Release 0.5.5, Test 0.5.9)

Looking really good.

@NoWorldOrder This is really looking good, and also the change of the buttons is working ?
This is something I cannot get to work, need to reset the Button+ (or resend config) to see all the correct labels. Can you maybe show a ā€œpartā€ of the flow your using her?
@Adrian_Rockall I thought this was something that needed to addressed in a firmware update, but this wasnā€™t mentioned in the 1.08, or should this work (I know NoWorldOrder show it do ;-))

@Cor_De_Rooij Just curious. Is it working - within the Homey B+ device instance - when you browse through the different display or button configs. Is the B+ device then updated as expected? If that is not working, the flow wonā€™t do it either I guess.

Can you try the firmware update again. Ronald fixed the issue and republished the same version number again, so if you updated early you might have the test version.

Exactly what i did: I did a full reset of the system, updated the firmware again and after that everything worked perfectly! If it still doesnā€™t work, let me know and iā€™ll add my flows here.

@Adrian_Rockall A very good flow feature would be:

Button config # is active.

With that you can avoid the switching of the display if you just want to switch the buttons. BUT keep the ā€œmenuā€ button to work.

I would create a flow like this:

When right button on display config 1 was clicked:

and button config x is active
than: Do this


No, this is also not working, good point for test.

Did that now, and it seems to work :smile:

Thanks you both.-

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Sorry: one small problem: I have the Status bar back, and I have set it to ā€œuitā€ even try it Bottom / top but it stays on the screen (always on the bottom )

Could you open this as an issue in the GitHub repo. It is easier for me to keep track of feature requests and bug reports in there as they can get lost in the postā€™s on here.

Is that when you set it via the Advanced settings in the Homey device?


Iā€™m not sure what happened, but my Button+ display was empty except the IP address, the button modules were showing their (correct) values but the LEDs didnā€™t work, so I reset the device a couple of times and also restarted the Homey app. Nothing changed. I then briefly unplugged the device from its power, and now all display items and buttons are gone, everything is grey.

The Homey app is now also empty and the Button+ Web View was already unreachable for some days:

Edit: Iā€™m aware of the comments above on the 7+ display items causing the Web View not to work.

Is there any way to make a backup of settings without access to web view? Iā€™m jealous of the video of @NoWorldOrder, but gosh if I would lose such an advanced setupā€¦ that would be horrible :slight_smile:

There is an import and export option in the App Settings. To backup your configuration, first tap on Export to fill the list, then copy the contents of the list and paste it into a text editor to save.
To restore your back, open the saved file, copy the contents, paste it into the App import and export list and then tap on Import.

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Has the IP address changed?
If it has then you can update the Homey device in itā€™s Advanced settings and Save the settings. Then you can tap on the Re-apply configurations button in the advanced settings to update the Button plus.

Still the same IPā€¦ my Homey app now shows all my settings again, but the Button+ display looks like this:

If you perform a factory reset, does it come back to life.
If it does then send the confirmation back to the device in the Homey device Advanced settings page.

@groteberg Itā€™s enough to send the configuration again to the device from the device ā€œmaintenanceā€ menu.

That didnā€™t work unfortunately. At least the device didnā€™t change

I did do a factory reset, reconnected the wifi and re-applied the configurations from the app:

But the device is still stubborn, now showing its welcome screen after the factory reset

Hopefully that means there isnā€™t a hardware failure.
If restart the app now does it update?
If not, could you assign an empty configuration to the large display and then reapply the configuration to see if the buttons come back.
Iā€™m still trying to figure out if there is an issue with very large configurations.

Normally, when you see the snow buttons after reset, itā€™s enough to only re-apply configurations. No need to factory reset etc.

Donā€™t know whatā€™s going on with your device right now, but for future knowledge or other readersā€¦