Button + (Release 0.5.5, Test 0.5.9)

Since I did a factory reset I’m able to access the Web View again. Should Homey be listed as a broker?

My app’s diagnostics log is full of these errors, if it might help:

I have managed to recreate an issue thanks to a configuration sent to me (I can’t remember who).
The Button + has to allocate a buffer to convert the JSON string into a JSON object and it seems some users are being very creative and the buffer is not big enough. I have discussed it with Ronald and he will double the size of the buffer in the next update.
For those that are curious, the app can send all that and make it work because it does it in sections, so the buffer is big enough for those.


Using finnish locale for date time formating send correct information to MQTT:
Screenshot 2024-01-23 at 6.53.26

However, the display interprets the time value as a decimal number and strips the leading zero and decimal rounding applies. So on the display with no rounding set, time is 7. Should time be sent as a quoted string to MQTT?

I think I will set custom mqtt for date time as I like the ISO format 2023-01-23 06:53 more that finnish format.

Swedes use date time the way I like, but then the weekday names are also swedish Would it be possible that for the device one could set custom date and time formats?

The time is sent as a string, hence you see the leading zero in the MQTT explorer. If I add extra quotes they would appear on the display as well.
I’m no sure what the solution is, but I can reproduce the problem so I will work on it.

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Meanwhile did a short perl script to update mqtt topics of my own with the format I want :slight_smile:

I can see the cause of the problem in the Button + firmware, so I have asked Ronald if he has a preferred solution. I can think of one, but he has to agree it is OK.

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Oh, but setting display item to Custom MQTT has no place for the topic.

Bug report: Display Configuration for Custom MQTT missing topic · Issue #89 · AdyRock/com.ady.button_plus · GitHub

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oops, I will fix that. Could you add it as an issue in the GitHub repo as I’m just off to work now and don’t want to forget it.

great job @NoWorldOrder

do you have a chance to create a tutorial e.g. example flows for button configurations

I have three button bars and the main display but I am more or less “lost” :slight_smile:

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just received my bars but due to little baby I didn’t have time to testdrive… so some
videos and how-to’s would be indeed appreciated to save me al lot of tinkering (something
i normally like to do but i lack the time)

maybe add some downloadable templates/standard flows for simple things that are well annotated?

I usually learn by taking existing examples and study how they do what they do and adapt them…

Thank you Adrian for going above and beyond


I’m trying to think how his could be done. My initial reaction is it’s not possible because it relies so heavily on you devices, but I also think this should be possible in some way, so I will think about it. If anyone else has any thoughts on this then please share.

@Adrian_Rockall Just to check, can I do something to provide information about the ‘current display’ and ‘current button’ mismatch?

(When current display is set to ‘X’, the {AND logic check current display’ is always 'X-1). The same for all 3 button rows. (When X is 1, then the readout is zero.).

I’ve got a lot of flows with the rule: If display is not 1, than set to one. Now they are with the offset (if current screen is not 0, then set it to 1). But it would be great if I can fix this.

Thanks again for your help!

Are you using 0.3.11 as it should be fixed in there?

Don’t know if there are standard Homey mqtt topics you can show in a template. For button usage I have no suggestion for the template, since that is based on each individual configuration (maybe an all lights on message?).

And something I’m curious about. I saw the button+ app is rather high in memory usage. Is this because of the loads of configuration options you provide?

Great, may you can share as file your config here.
so everybody can modify it to his own device’s (nameing)
and have a great start point to work futher out off the button+

sorry linked the wrong post/item

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I don’t think it will be the configurations as my full export is only 21KB, which is pretty small. I will investigate further to see why it is high.

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Thanks for your help!

Just checked. I see now that the Button+ app has also ‘AND’ labels. These are working. But if someone (I did :see_no_evil:) is using the ‘logic’ labels, then they are still 1 off.


Green in logic (1 off) and black the button ‘AND’ labels:

Ah OK I see what you mean now. Unfortunately, the logic tags are based on the capabilities and internally the app uses 0 based indexes. Anywhere I present indexes to a user interface, I adapt them to 1 based indexes as I have found user don’t like the concept of something like “Configuration 0”. I have no control over those logic tags so I’m not sure of a good fix for that.

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I have the same “problem”. For me it occurs when the device get “stuck” somehow (once every day for some days now). The screen is empty, ip address is shown and buttons don’t react. A reconfiguration button+ brings it back alive, but ip address is still on the screen. Is it possible to add the statusbar setting to the reconfiguration of the device?