Button + (Release 0.5.5, Test 0.5.9)

I’ve received more questions, as i am very busy during the week i will try to create an explanation video or text this weekend. Happy to help where i can. :slight_smile:


@Adrian_Rockall BTW: Thanks for the additional option for the “if” config setting! This makes my live easier and “just” menu switching is now way less heavy!

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Interesting. Here the same. RAM around 110mb over the day. Also interesting is the CPU load (spikes). Multiple times every hour it hit 10+ percent and sometimes more. If I can do something to help finding the reason, please let me know what I can do!

Ahh, no problem at all. I know now that there is an solution to use the app tags itself. (And my older flows with logic values are also working with 1 number lower.)
Thanks for the info!

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I have made a bit of a dent in the memory usage, which I’m still testing:

Before 18:00 I was running the current test version and after the dip around 00:00 it is with the mods. So, possibly trimmed about 15 MB off.
If everything is still working when I get home I will publish a test update.
As the app is running an MQTT broker and client, plus it uses the homey-api to gain access to device capabilities, it is going to be on the high end of the scale. But it is less than running all those apps separately. Unfortunately, I don’t see any change with the internal broker enabled or disabled which is a bit strange.

Edit: On my Homey 2019 the memory usage is under half of the 2023 model:

Ignore the high spots before 18:00 as they are caused by the debugger.


Nice and good work!
For me it is not an issue. Around 5GB free RAM left. But it is at the max that homey firmware is allowing (as far as I know) so it is good to have it a little bit lower :muscle::+1:

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This morning I restarted the app. You can see it getting to the top of the memory. But somehow over time is also decreases as shown in underneath picture.

Will see your new testversion. Still very happy about the app. It makes the button+ device realy useful :+1:.

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So in this case for 6hrs after an app restart, memory usage is high for me (around 100mb) and than it drops gradually to arround 75mb.

Might help investigating the ‘why’.

New test version is in the store.


So, with new version the highload (few hours after an app restart) is now about 85 instead of 100 before. If it will downgrade after some time like before it’s getting in normal proportion like most of the apps.

Still not sure why it will peak for some hours and than getting lower over time, but already a huge improvement.

Thanks again for your effort!

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Really nice, here the same!
Thanks for your time and effort!!

Just curious. My button plus has on my default screen 16 (:see_no_evil:) parameters. When switching another screen (6 parameters) is is crashing very often. (50% of the times I think). This mens that the button + is not responding to anything and only removing the power of it will restart it and get it working again. But when not switching screens (even when updating all 16 parameters every 10 seconds) it is working fine and stable. Any idea what this can be? Firmware? Driver? My own error? Or… just too many parameters :smiling_face:

Older picture but an idea of the default screen:

Also when I disable the build in mqtt broker/client?

Sorry, not sure what that could be.

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If you disable the internal broker then it is not started, however the client is always running as it has to talk to whatever broker you are using.

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Anything I can do to debug it? It is not a big issue (just not changing screens anymore. Buttons can I change without any issue). But it is nice to find the reason if possible :smiling_face:

So, i did do 2 recordings on the app, all of these where taken in 1 take, so forgive me for some mistakes :smiley:

Default Stuff:

Advanced features:

If you want to see specifics, please let me know!


Maybe the diagnostic log in the app settings page will show something.
If possible, you could connect the display to a computer via the USB and use a terminal program to monitor the output to see if it gives any clue.

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I’ve tested the latest test version and have found a issue here. In the latest stable release it is working fine.

All variables I use on the display are ‘missing’

Latest stable release:

Latest beta release:

This is on all screens. It looks like that some variable are even not in the drop down selection. Maybe that some logic variables are not available in the latest beta version?

Thanks for help!

Ok, just found it :blush:. In the latest test release are only the YES/NO logic variable available. All the Number and Text variables are not in de dropdown list anymore (and also not working/missing if set before)

OK, I will check that. I did make a couple of changes. One was to cache the variables instead of loading them each time and the other was to switch from the old athom-api to the new homey-api, so maybe one of those is the problem.

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