Button + (Release 0.5.5, Test 0.5.9)

This is the picture of the device

Add your request’s for special characters on button plus site at issue #71, Ronald will add them.

Toplabels show up after restart of device (short press on button right of usb-connector)

Gotcha, thank you.

The device doesn’t support that, so can you add a request in the same place as @Torch1969 mentioned above.

The display doesn’t support the alignment options. The web interface still shows them from an earlier firmware version, but the core was changed.

Thx, factory reset was enough to bring the device back to live. It even wasn’t necessary to remove and re-add the device in homey, the device picked up the configuration as if nothing happened :grinning:

But my ip config page an device itself is still empty :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Could you show a screenshot of that page so I can see what you mean?

@Adrian_Rockall Is it possilbe what I want to do her: change the button and labels based on another button?

This is the device in “bricked” mode:

After factory reset I can reach config page on ip-address
After resending configuration from homey app, the device looks ok, but config page on ip-address looks like this:

After a while the device is stuck again.
Only strange thing I can see is an incorrect toplabel on one of the buttons. The toplabel shows the label instead of “Zijraam” (like button on right for “Voorraam”).

This started when configuring the buttons on the fouth connector. From that moment on the trouble started. Even if I set a different button bar configuration. All labels are changed, but toplabel of connector 2 stays on “Open”.
Should I send you something? Diagnostic report? Button bar config?

On ip/config is see that this faulty button has the wrong toplabel:
Also in Mqtt explorer is see this button (with id 4) is the only one getting a topic for the toplabel (with value “Open”).
(Even after changing the label value’s of that button to something else this faulty toplabel value is hanging around somewhere and messing up my configuration…).

Edit, when powering off, the device is “bricked” again. I discovered that sending configuration to device is enough to bring it back alive. Still the faulty “toplabel” is back. Strange thing when restarting or when changing button configuration, first the labels are wrong (wrong value), but toplables are ok. After 1-2 seconds the labels are correct, but this faulty toplabel is back again. This behaviour is for all buttons of device type " App button" .


Can someone tell me how secure the mqtt broker is in Homey? Is the broker completely local, or send it also some information to mqtt.button.plus? On the tweakers forum someone mentioned that the temperature value send to that broker. But don’t know if that’s also the case with the default broker in homey. I’m not that technical with mqtt brokers :sweat_smile:

If you set Homey as the Default broker in the Homey app Configuration page, then everything is local. You can even define a username and password to secure it further it you want.


If you setup a Flow that triggers when the button is pressed, you can then send a new configuration to the connector.
In the test version you can also set the trigger to happen when a button is pressed for a specific configuration. For example:

This is a Button + issue, but I have fixed it and submitted the pull request to Ronald so hopefully he will include it in the next update.


I solved this problem. Somehow this label was send to device through mqtt. There it was a retained item on topic button_12345/button/4. So every time the config of the device was reset or changed, this retained item was picked up again. I removed this item with MQTT explorer and this problem is solved.

But this is also what i have tried, see screenshot, but the button configuration is not changing on the Button+

It seems I have overlooked the need to remove items that are deselected from configurations.
I have set the items to be retained as the Button + doesn’t update the value stored in the configuration when the MQTT value is changed. Therefore, when the Button + is reset it wouldn’t know the state of the latest update if they weren’t retained.
If you use the Homey broker then it resets when the app restarts, so I hadn’t noticed stale items. However, when the app runs for a long time (doesn’t happen much when I’m debugging / adding things) or using an external broker then it becomes noticeable.

I will endeavour to address that issue ASAP.


I don’t see a screen shot

Sorry, but I meant the screenshot form my original post.

What I want to do her is when with a button on the display is clicked you choose the next display configuration (now only 1 and 2) and based on the button configuration should change
When first screen (in my case lights)

when second screen (in my case Luxaflex)

By testing this flow it “works” but doesn’t make the expected changes on my Button+

@Adrian_Rockall Do you any idea why this not working by me?

Hi all! I received my Button+ last week, and I’m very happy with it! I created two display pages, which are switching nicely on a button press.

I’m stuck on one thing though:
On the middle bar, I’m trying to display the current state of the washing machine (like personal text sent by Homey). However, it seems I can only display a label for the ON-state, and one for the OFF-state.

The Homey flow card does succeed, but no change is visible on the device.

Scherm­afbeelding 2024-01-08 om 13.32.56

Edit: Homey app 0.3.1, button+ 1.07

I have added a Flow action card to set the button text in the next version.