Button + (Release 0.5.5, Test 0.5.9)

@Adrian_Rockall could it be it has something to do with my own mqtt broker? I disabled the build in broker and added my own local broker.
Broker works, because it says connected in button+ config page itself

Edit: confirm, after removing the app an installing again, and adding device by manual ip (without changing the mqtt broker), the device is added without red exclamation mark and working properly. Still some errors in the diagnostic log about “id is not defined” and 3x “cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘leftDevice’)” (as in log I already send you)

Did you add any capabilities to the configuration from one of the removed Button devices? Just wondering if that is the cause of the id errors

Yes, I did add some capabilities to display configuration and button configuration before adding the device, but not the last time.
But those capabilities weren’t from the removed button devices, it was from one of the lights in the room

I have found an issue if the Homey broker is disabled. As a temporary work around you can keep it enabled, but still assign your broker to the configuration items.

I will publish a new test version after I have done some more checking with an external broker and the apps one disabled.

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Yes, already found out that this fixes some errors, but on the other hand, the display is empty when both brokers are enabled…
After app restart (because app crashed while configuring “info” on display), the button device cannot be enabled again (red exclamation mark, "cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘subscribe’).
See also diagnostic report send.

@Adrian_Rockall some other observations:

  • dimming using sliders in button+ homey device doesn’t change brightness of device itself (changing brightness in device settings webpage does)
  • temperature of device sensor isn’t updated. In device settings webpage I see that broker setting is empty. Even if i change this to my broker, the temperature isn’t updated in homey button+ device.
  • Somehow toplabels for the button bar displays aren’t activated when set for first time. After soft-reset of the device (short press on bottom right button) they are shown and updated afterwards.
  • i cannot get the hang of using the button trigger cards. Nothing seems to trigger them. Only the configured buttons on the bars work, but the trigger card isn’t triggered
  • How to use the buttons on the display? Which card to use and which connector number (0 or 1?). Do i need to configure these buttons? And if so, where?? EDIT: In web setting is see these buttons have bo broker either… After adding my broker over there, the button presses are send through mqtt and the trigger cards work. So the mqtt broker setting is meshed up here also…

The dimming is waiting for Ronald to incorporate my pull request that adds MQTT topics for the display dim values. At the moment the dim setting is only applied via the configuration, which requires a reset of the device.

I think most of the other issue you are seeing are down to the ‘external’ MQTT broker. I have done all my testing with the built in broker and have been a naughty boy and hard coded the ‘homey’ broker into a number of places. I am working on fixes by adding an option to specify the ‘default’ broker in the configuration and that is then used in all the places where there is no specific broker entry available.

As soon as I have done my best to identify and fix all the issues I will publish an update. Hopefully today or tomorrow depending on the issues I find.


Thx @Adrian_Rockall , happy new year and take your time :fireworks:

Happy new year.
I think I have ironed out the glitches with external brokers now, but as it was 5 AM when I finished, I thought it best to sleep and check again before publishing it :sleeping:
I realised that I could use my Synology NAS to host a broker and I have been testing with that.


New test version is now in the store.


For anyone lucky enough to have more than one Button +, I have found an issue with Homey’s mDNS where it only notifies of one device and can get the IP address and data mixed up in the notification.
I have worked around the second issue when adding a device by ignoring everything in the notification except the IP address and then fetch everything else from the Button +. However, for now I have had to disable the automatic IP update as that was causing issues. I have reported my findings to Athom and I am waiting for a response, but, as it’s the season to be jolly, it might take a while.


Hi @Adrian_Rockall thx for your effort. I can confirm this version works way better. After setting the default broker to my own Mosquitto broker (and disabling homey broker) and an app restart, the correct broker is used in the button+ configuration. Buttons on display and temperature sensor are working “out of the box” :grinning: :clap:

I’m using Synology NAS also (with Mosquitto in docker container).

I send you a log report with some error message’s which are appearing after app restart. I don’t think it’s breaking functionality because everything is working right now.

If i have some feature request’s do you want me to add them to GitHub?

I will investigate the log.
Yes please, if you have any requests or bug reports put them in as issues in github. I’m trying to get into the habit of working on issues with VS Code integration to tie them all up.

Thanks for the great App. Small thing what you perhaps can correct in the next (beta) update :slight_smile:

Is the problem that you can’t scroll up far enough for the buttons to show?

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Indeed. The Copy / Paste buttons stay under the blue button.

Not a big issue. Just thought maybe you can correct this. :slight_smile:

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Very nice how this app is evolving. Thx for your continuos effort on this @Adrian_Rockall. Fast response on bugs and feature requests.
I think with this homey app we are far ahead of other integrations (home assistant, node-red) :facepunch: :star_struck: especially the ease of configuring display & bar layouts and switching between them.

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So, first of all, I’ve donated 25 Euros to Adrian for his work. I suggest you all do the same if you use the app. Maybe not the same amount but at least send him a beer (I don’t know if he likes beer, though).

With regards to the app, I do have a few questions and remarks :slight_smile: I’m sure some are user error.

  1. I defined that I would like to see the time in the main display. Strangely enough it shows me AM/PM time and not 24h. I don’t know how to change that / where to change that?
  2. Right now, in the app you can define a button. When you push it, you can determine the front and back colour. Can you also define the colour when the button is not pushed / unactivated state? As in, if the light is off, make it red and if the light is on, make it green.
  3. When I define the top label for the right button, it’s not displayed. The label works fine and for the left button top label / label combo works fine.
  4. When I edit the right button after it was initially configured, the label changes to left button so you then have ‘left button’ below ‘left button’.
  5. I am correct in the assumption that the 2 buttons on the main display I can’t use / assign any tasks to?
  6. Is there a way to add a flow to a button?

That’s it for now, I’m sure I will have more later :smiley:

And thank you again for your work!

No, you’re not correct, it is possible to use those buttons. Just use the trigger card for left/right button and the connector number your display is on (number 1 if you have display in upmost connector). I use these button’s to scroll through the different display configurations.

With regards to 3. I noticed that power off/power on the Button+ solved that issue (i.e. pull the plug).