Button + (Release 0.5.5, Test 0.5.9)

Note the local tags have a left/right which will be true if left and false is right (I think :thinking:)

There is now a Debugging log in the app settings page, just select the option from the drop list to view it. The default is to only log errors but you can enable the full log there as well.

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Thanks, I will switch that on to debug.
The left/right was me playing around. The card do not trigger. I will investigate what I’m, doing wrong as soon as the version with debugging is available on my homey.
Thanks for all the hard work on the app!

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What I found out was the following:

When pushing the button on the display, the mqtt message is show in the log on connector 0.

When I create a card the triggers on connector 0 left. The card does not trigger.

The strange thing is that it seams that the id’s of the connector are altered one location.

When I setup a card that tests for connector 3 it works on my second row of buttons. The message shows connector 2 in the log. So I test for connector 3 and the log show connector two. The card does trigger.

Same is for changing the labels on the button as far as I can see now. But will investigate more.

This is my setup, sorry for the dutch.

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The device report starts at zero but I add 1 to the display as a lot of people don’t like the concept of 0 based numbers and prefer things to start ar 1. So that is as expected.

Ok Clear, thanks.

Thanks for the great work, Adrian! I am still struggeling with getting it working. When I for example press the left button on first bar (when connected to connector 1), the advanced flow I created is never triggered.

Do you have any idea?

And another question I have:

  • how can I set the Invert status? I want it black, but looks like it constantly changing to white.
  • Is it possible to add button configuration for the upper display from settings panel?

Let me know if I can help on testing/developing things! Keep up the good work!

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That is in the Advanced settings page of the device in Homey.

No, as the display interface in completely different. You can add capabilities next to the buttons and react to button presses via flows to simulate a similar experience.

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In version 0.2.8, I have added expanding sections to the Configuration setup pages. It should make it easier to locate a section without lots of scrolling. The section title stays at the top of the page until the next section scrolls up to it.
Feedback welcome.


@Adrian_Rockall Thanks. I created a pull request for adding zone grouping for devices.

One more question. How does it work with the ""Set the information text to " flow. How can I use this information on the display?

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I have seen the pull request and will process that this evening, thank you for your support.

The information message is one of the capabilities in the Homey Button + device, so you can select that as one of the display options just as you would for any other capabilities. Then the Flow will update the MQTT broker which in turn updates the display text.
The device also has date and time capabilities so you can show those on the display as well


I have merged the pull request and it will be in the next build. Thank you for your idea and contribution.


I received my production unit with 1 display and 3 button bars today, so I have managed to do some extra testing and fixed a few bugs.


I received my hardware device. Adding to homey doesn’t work. First time device could be added with manual ip (and was connected, because “homey says hello” is shown on display), but in log errors are shown and exclamation mark on device tile appears. Somehow the device was also found automatically, but on old ip-address (which doesn’t work).

After removal of app and reinstall a new effort to add the device. But this time only device discovery works (and doesn’t find device, also no lines in log). After device is not found, I cannot select manual option for entering ip-address anymore?


Can you remember what the errors were?
If the device is on a separate VLAN then it’s not a surprise the discovery is not working as it uses mDNS and the broadcasts are probably not bridged.
With the manual option, is it responding at all or just not adding the device?

Not being able to add capabilities for temperature, info, button etc.

Yeah, I’m aware of that, that’s why I asked for the manual option :grinning: and it seems to work, until I reïnstalled the app….

The manual option isn’t shown it all. After the message that no devices were found, the screen for adding device is closed.

I have fixed the missing Manual Option in the latest test version.

Just at the same moment I was trying a new approach. Pair the device with normal WiFi network where homey is on, and then move device to IOT VLAN an change ip address in device settings.
Button+ can be found in network discovery app. But in homey button+ app the device isn’t found…

I will try your new test version now. Just update app? Or remove and install?

Edit: after update to v0.2.11 is see manual option and 2 times the device itself (on same WiFi as homey)

Edit 2: unfortunately, moved the device back to iot vlan and started adding device.
The manual option is shown and two devices with black icon

In log of homey app an attempt on old ip address is shown ( was old ip in normal WiFi lan).
Select option manual and correct ip address the device is added and homey says hello is shown on button+
After some seconds red exclamation mark and error in log
