Button + (Release 0.5.5, Test 0.5.9)

Could you elaborate on the LED issue as I’m not aware of that and don’t understand what you are describing.

Good morning and sure! sorry my english is so bad. Hopefully the help of Google translate will make it clearer! - I regularly use the option to switch the buttons to a different configuration and then switch status with flows (connector x left on/off and right on/off). example: the buttons represent curtains closed and some other functions. a total of 3x front LED on (green) and 0 times back LED on. With the old app, in the event of a malfunction, I switch the screen to number 2 with a large ‘urgent’ message. the buttons all go to config 5 (black/no text) and on (all LED behind red and LED front off). this works great. with all the newer apps when I do the same thing different things keep happening. For example, with exactly the above, 2 front LEDs remain green (but tekst is gone / black screen on buttons), 3 front LEDs become red(?) and 0 LED at the back turns on. If I switch back to the ‘normal layout with curtain state, things are also missed. I don’t understand this because the buttons are in that case just a device state. If I downgrade to the latest stable app, everything immediately works as expected again. is it described more clearly this way? Maybe that I do something wrong? Otherwise I’ll make a video of it! Thanks again for the great support and great app!

Examples of default view:

Example of the ‘urgent’ view:

OK, I understand now. This is indeed an issue with the latest versions as I don’t upload the new configuration but just change the MQTT values. Currently, there is not an option to set the new front and back colours this way. I have created a pull request for Robin and I am waiting for him to merge or reject it as he sees fit. If he accepts it then the issue will be fixed in the next firmware update. If he rejects it then I will need to revert to uploading the new configuration again, but that method is slower and will eventually wear out the persistent storage on the Button plus.

Many thanks for this info!

Just installed the latest test version again and did some extensive testing. Just some interesting findings. The most important one:

When switching from button layout (1-20) with different colors set for every config. The button + is not following. When I save the config when config 20 is active. It looks like that that led color setting is always the color that is used by the button plus. Example, I save the config when config 20 is active on connector 4. Setting is front led green and back led is off when enable. This is working fine. Now i switch to config 5. The config setting is now: when enabled; back led RED and front led off. But, ot is still the behavior of config 20 (front led green, back off). Now I save the config in the button edit page; nothing change. Now i go to the ‘apply configuration again’ in the repair screen. The back led is now instant red and front off. But if I switch back to button config 20; enable is still red on the back lid. It is not changing to the setting of that specific config.

Is this also known? This is not the behavior of the latest stable release. But maybe because this is always ‘applying the complete config’? Thanks again for your time!

Yes, that’s the issue I tried to explain. I understand it can be difficult when we speak different languages.

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ahh. OK. I thought the issue was related to sending commands to connector numbers. so not incorrectly following the 20 predefined templates. Sorry again for my confusion. I will send you another donation shortly. Hopefully that makes up for some of the time I cost you!

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@Adrian_Rockall the app crashed lastnight. did you received my crash rapport, about freezing display. :slight_smile:

I did receive it and a quick look on my phone seems to show the connection was unreachable, but it’s not easy to view on a small screen. When I get home I will look at it on my PC and check why it would crash the app.

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Beste Button+ kenners,

Sinds een maand of 2-3 ook de button+ naar volle tevredenheid aan de muur hangen.

Echter sinds een week of 2-3 is het alleen maar gezeur.

Ik heb de button+ gekoppeld aan de homey.
Via de homeyapp heb ik dan ook de verschillende buttons geconfigureerd.
Dit werkte perfect. Ik had vooral lampen gekoppeld aan de buttons en met een druk op de knop sprong de lamp eigenlijk meteen aan of uit.

Echter sinds 2 weken reageren de buttons nergens meer op.
Ik heb al alles opnieuw opgestart maar nog steeds geen resultaat.
Als ik de button activeer via de homey app dan krijg ik wel de reactie die ik graag wil/ het aan of uitschakelen van de lamp. Echter als ik op de fysiek knop duw geen reactie.

Als ik via het IP-adres inlog krijg ik vaak dat de mqqt niet connected is. Als ik dan even bij gebruikersnaam een . invul. Dat opsla en daarna de . weer weghaal en opnieuw opsla dan staat er wel connected. Bij een volgende keer inloggen kan dat echter weer verdwenen zijn.

Als broker heb ik bij de buttonsettings homey staan. Als ik deze op standaard zet dan werkt het ook niet.

Kortom ik ben een beetje het spoor bijster waarom het eerst perfect werkte en daarna opeens niet meer, maar dan ook niks meer.

Ook had op het op display allemaal informatie vanuit de knmi app van homey. Die velden waren ook opeens leeg en werd er geen informatie meer opgehaald.

In eerste instantie had ik dus ook helemaal geen flows nodig om het apparaat aan het functioneren te krijgen. Echter nu heb dan maar wat met flows geprobeerd maar dat krijg ik ook niet aan de gang met de fysieke knoppen dus als iemand misschien een voorbeeld heeft?

Wie o wie heeft een idee?

Who can help me?
Since a month or 2 I have a button+ on the wall en I was very satisfied. But the last 2-3 weeks the button+ doesn’t work any more.

First I had de the button settings with the button+ app form Homey and every button did his work. De lights on and off did work very quickly. But now the fysical buttons don’t work anymore. When I open the app in Homey and I click on the button the lights will go on and off but not with the fysical button.

I also had data from the KNMI app in the display. First this worked perfect but when the buttons failed also the data from KNMI failed. The fields were empty.

I already reset everything but nothing helps. Also did release the current but doesn’t make any difference.

What I also see when I go to the web ip of the button+ that de MQQT broker is quite often not connected. If I put any sign in the username and save that and than release that, than the mqqtbroker get connected but next time I go to the web ip the connection is gone. If the webapp says connected is doesn’t make any difference. The fysical buttons don’t work. I have firmware 1.11

Maybe a factor reset will work? Did you also check the logs, is your wifi OK? If it was the B+ application more ppl had the same problem, but it works here (if the app not crash :stuck_out_tongue:)

Are you using the apps MQTT broker or another one?
Have you tried restarting the app?
When you say the lights work with the app button, do you mean the lights on the Button bars or the house lights?

I already made a factory reset but that didn’t solve the problems.

I ment the house lights.

I don’t use any app for MQTT. This was first not nessacery.

I also did delete the complete app and did a new install.

If you open the app settings page and select the Diagnostics Log entry from the top drop list, do you see any errors in the log?
Could you enable the log and then restart the app. Two minutes after it has started again, go back to the Log and tap on Send Log.

Problem is solved.

First time install I didn’t need to enter any Broker configurations.

Now there is a setting in the Homey Button+ app with broker configurations.
I entered that data in the webapp of button+ bij logging in with the ipadres en now everything is functioning.

Thanx for the help!

The broker information should have been sent to the Button Plus when you save the configuration in the Homey app.
But glad it is working again.

Memory usage of the Button+ app seems to be getting higher lately. Today, the app even crashed because to high memory usage.

A while ago it was brought down by about 15 mb, but now it’s slowly increasing.

Hope you can find out what is causing this. I am on the latest stable homey build, latest experimental release op the button app.

Functionality wise still very happy with the app.

Hmm, that is hight. This is mine over the last 24 hours:

Could you check the Diagnostic log is not enabled and then clear it to see if that makes any difference.

It sure does :face_with_hand_over_mouth:. Did turn it on when the new firmware and app gave some unexpected behaviour. Never thought about turning it of afterwards. Sorry.

No problem, The logging can consume a lot of space and a lot of writes to the settings, so it’s advisable to only enable it to debug a specific issue and switch it of as soon as you have the information that you / I need…

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Is it possible that restarting the Button+ app on Homey (or Homey itself) is triggering to display the status bar (IP address) again on the device? Every time I do something with Homey, the status bar appears again.