Button + (Release 0.5.5, Test 0.5.9)

Of course (for me). Take the time you need! Maybe that it is good to keep the latest ‘stable’ release until this is fixed?

For me the led buttons are my primary use case of the button+. Funny enough, the upload of configs did never overwhelm my button+. Only a screen change. Since the last firmware, the button+ comes up in a default screen instead of the latest used config. Now it is also crashing sometimes when just turning them on and (re)set it back to my screen.

Will investigate now if it is easy to read/detect is it is crashed. Then I can do an automatic power cycle :smiling_face:

Thanks again for your time and work @Adrian_Rockall

I have updated tot firmware 1.11 and homey-app 0.4.3. The device seems to work again.

So to understand the new “pages” functionality:
In the homey app we have 1-20 display configurations. Each display configuration can have 1-? pages. The page-changes are handled by the button+ -device itself based on short display-button press. The display configuration change is handled by homey app (device settings or flow card).

So first i had to re-configure my short display-button press (which i’m using to cycle through the display configurations). I changed this to a long press (setting a “long-press” boolean variable) and a press release (with condition “long-press” boolean variable = true) resulting in a display configuration change and reset of “long-press” boolean variable. Now i can cycle through the display configurations using a long press.

Now i can start to configure a second page in a display configuration, to test this functionality. BUT, when adding a new display item in an existing display configuration, an existing display item (#2) is opened and set on “device none, text undefined”). Anyone tried this on existing display configuration? How does this work for others?
EDIT: when configuring new display configuration i discovered it’s inserting the new item on position #2 an shifting existing items to #3 and further…

Have you get firmware 1.11 as that should fix the power up to default issue?

Yes. I have a the latest version. Every time I turn the button+ on now, the buttons show default text labels and the display a big clock with temperature outside. When homey connects it turns back to my own config. Is that not the standard behavior with the new firmware when turning on the power?
Personally, I liked the old behavior more. :smiling_face:

No, that’s not normal. It should restore the last configuration. Ronald should have fixed that with the 1.11 update.

Strange. I see now (by my surprise) that it shows 1.1 as current firmware. I was expecting 1.11.
On the button+ site I don’t see a 1.1 release. Maybe a typo but will trigger a firmware update and ‘reapply config’ after that again.

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1.11 was a quick update to fix just the issue with the power on issue.

Sorry; was absolutely sure that I was on 1.11. (I have 3 button+). Updated them all but apparently not checked them all. Now on 1.11
Will check startup behavior again :see_no_evil:

Edit; of course you where right. startup behavior is ‘as it was’ now. But for the rest is is the same behavior. (The LEDs on the buttons still not following the flows).
Sorry for my post about the startup behavior. I believed this button+ was on 1.11 :see_no_evil:

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since the new test update, the button display just stopped updating when changing a conditions. my sonos i have function: play (speaker_playing)

it gets this from the speaker itself whether it is playing or not. But on button+ it now does not change when i pause or let the sonos box play.
in the stable version it still does this.

im on firmware 1.11

Hopefully, this is fixed in the new test version.


yes it is. Thank You!

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Other question, flows containing button+ flow cards are often turned off due to over-execution.

some flows are with switch button left connection 2 on or off but others are only with conditions like (and display 3 is active) both of them happen to be turned off.

I thought it was the trigger ( switch … on config… on/off) but several flows that do not have this type in them are also turned off.

Hmm, if they are automatically turned off, there is a very big chance that there is a loop in your flow. Could that be possible?

If I may guess something like:

  1. When releasing a button → switch function of that button (on to off and visa versa)
  2. When button is set to on, set logic variable to on and visa versa.
  3. When logic value is set to on/off, switch button state to on/off

In this example; the loop is complete (and the flow will be automatically disabled if you trigger it)

You can check things like this by adding logging every step (and check when the flow is disabled the logging) or pushing the buttons one by one and it it is an easy to trigger loop, the flow will be disabled within a minute.

Hopefully this helps!

Conditions won’t cause a flow to be disabled, only triggers can do that.
Maybe enable the log option and check if you can see any repetitive triggers.

yes I think this also, but this happens not every day. sometimes only.

just did.

I thing its coming from my lights flow. to keep it simple i made 1 flow which turns the lamps on and off. all other flows control this flow, so if i want to replace an extra lamp or one breaks down i only have to replace it in 1 flow.

since i also control this flow with the button+ it goes neatly on and off with 1 push on the button. however, i also want that if another flow turns my lamps on or off that the displlay on the button also goes on and off. i realized this by switching it on or off when the lamp flow is triggered.

the best would be if there was a flow card as in: Switch… button on (or off) on connector …) without actually performing anything

Maybe that you can make a log file in between to catch the issue?

Now: when x button is pushed, execute flow Y
Option: when button x is pushed, log executing flow Y and then execute flow Y

If you see that log entry 100 times a sec, you know that there is a loop somewhere :smiling_face:

P.s. and that last thing is also possible. I use that too on some buttons. Just handle the:

  1. If button Right on connector 4 is released when config 19 is active, then switch state of logic variable.

  2. When logic variable state is switched and is on, enable button 19 right and visa versa. (Warning, triggering is releasing! Not changing state :yum:)

Now you can also let homey switch it from state without any loop… or… let the button led blinks without any ‘problem’


Hello, sorry but I read the first page.
I still don’t understand how to display the value of a temperature sensor (Frient sensor connected to the Homey box)

First open the app settings page and select the Display configuration from the drop list. Add an item to a Configuration and choose the temperature device in the Device list and select the Temperature capability. Choose the X and Y position you want it to appear on the display, etc. Save the Configure. Then go to the Button device in Homey and select the Display connector at the top and then the Configuration number you added the temperature item to. The temperature will then appear on the display.


Thanks for your help, I will try this

@Adrian_Rockall thanks for keeping the version 0.3.17 as ‘stable’ version! Please know that I test every new version and looking forward to use all functionality!

But for now need to revert back to this version.
Primarily because of the very strange led behavior (front let reacting instead of the back led, not all leds reacting and/or not updating correct.). Now happy with the latest stable version and looking forward for the next firmware update. Hopefully this is fixed there! (Please let me know if I can do something to test (beta firmware?) if needed!