Button + (Release 0.5.5, Test 0.5.9)

What version of the app are you using?

Maybe a strange question. But may Button+ is still freezing sometimes. That makes that the Button+ is completely unresponsive. So the Ip adres is down and nothing can be changed. I’ve got a z-wave switch behind it so I would like to 'switch it ‘off => wait 5 sec => Switch on’ When it is frozen. Is there an easy way to detect this state and trigger a restart (power cycle)? Many thanks for any idea’s / advice!

@TKroon I had that same issue with the ‘old’ firmware. Are you on the latest firmware for the Button+?

0.4.8, button is on 1.11

Can you monitor the temperature valve from the Button to see if it stops updating?
If it does then maybe that could be used.

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Have you switched the status off in the Homey device advanced settings or via the web interface?

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Thank you. Completely overlooked that part of the settings. I’ve checked the app settings because of the location of the display settings. This should have fixed it. Thank you!

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Have the same problem with frozen screen sometimes. I have since yesterday now 2 screens running, perhaps 2 is too much for HP19? The clock was frozen on 10:10 and the homey memory was on 105mb. I have no idea if this means anything…

That does seem very high for HP2019. Have you got the Diagnostics Log enable in the app settings as I have seen that use a lot of memory.

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That was indeed turned ON…

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Thanks for this, working great with a timer!

  1. When turned on, start timer at 10 min.
  2. Every temp update restarts the timer @ 5 min.
  3. If timer is empty, power cycle the button + and start loop timer of 60 min.
  4. Restart button plus is only allowed if the loop timer is not running.
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There is a special function / card in homey for this.

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@Adrian_Rockall I noticed that I can’t make a flow to set the brightness to 0. I can’t save the flow.

I can’t replicate that as the Flow saves OK for me.
What error do you see?
What Homey is it?

Edit; Ah, OK so I can’t save it in the mobile app but I can in the Web app. I will report it to Athom.
The Flow card has 1 as the minimum values, so the mobile app is correct.

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New test version now allows 0.

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Hi all
I’m having trouble with getting the values for the different entrys to show. I can get it to show the label, unit etc. and change the location on the screen. But the value, i.e. temperatur, clock will just be blank. What am I missing here?

Could you provide some details of how you are setting it up?
Maybe go to the app settings page, select the Import and Export option, tap on Export and then copy the contents of the text box. Then save that to a text file and email it to me.

Hi Adrian,

First of all, thank you a lot for all the effort.

I’m unable to do anything button related (display related it works fine).

So in the button configuration I cannot select a button configuration:

If I select something that has to do with i.e. changing the text of a button it will not do anything (see example) it will respond when I click on the button (push message works), but:

Could it have to do with:

It seems that trying to send a log via the send log function gives an error : Error: Fout bij versturen log: connect ECONNREFUSED


Have you selected a configuration for the connector in the Button device in Homey?

My email server was down for a few hours this evening, so could you try sending the log again.

Nog steeds de email error bij versturen log

Sorry, my mail server was still having issues, but I have now fixed and verified it’s working.