Button + (Release 0.5.5, Test 0.5.9)

Thanks for your info! I’ve got already the latest firmware version. If I do not change the display (buttons are ok), then it is overall ok. But when changing the display (screen) it is freezing very often. Maybe that my screens are too complex :see_no_evil: (17 values now​:smiling_face:)

Yep, I think that is the most likely cause. I have 3 screens with about 10 values each and this works without problems now.

Received my Button+ during week and after tinkering with it and the excellent app from @Adrian_Rockall (ok I spent a bit of time), now have an excellent information and “control centre”. The display with the buttons improves the WAF 10 times.

Sent you a thank you Adrian, and thanks to others contributing to this chat - it really helped.

My contribution to new users is to restart app after you have added the new Button+ device, otherwise Button+ capabilities may not show when configuring the display / buttons.


It is indeed a really good device and the work of @Adrian_Rockall is making the intergration perfect!

Here I found all the triggers that makes my button+ crashing (until fixed!) so now 2 days without a crash!

All other stuff I want (for now) are working with complex but working ‘workarounds’. So blinking leds; check. Blinking text; check. Inversed states (led on when off); check. Also ‘auto fill’ screen is working. So I have now 4 text fields that are filled with info (if needed/available when relevant.)

Thanks all for all advice and making this product better! I learned a lot of new and creative ways to get it the way I want it to be :muscle:


Agree @Ranney - so many cool options now and ahead, thanks for forging the path.

Good morning,

I don’t understand how to display a value from an external sensor or how to display different pages on the main screen or how to configure the LEDs

thank you in advance for your help

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Read the first post👆🏻

If the external sensor is not included in Homey, then you can setup a custom MQTT topic, but I haven’t actually tested that :flushed:

Displaying different pages will be much easier in the next firmware / app update.

The LEDs colour is setup in the Button Configuration and turned on when the associated capability is true, or via a Flow when setting the LED color.

I just found out that you can set the colour to black in a Flow by entering 000000.
Also, have you tried to turn the button on then off as for me that reverts it back to the configuration settings.


I see that there is a new firmware release. @Adrian_Rockall will everything stay working after this big update or do we need rebuilding/fixing stuff after this update. Do you have an idea?

## [1.1] Latest production firmware

# Changes in 1.1 (versus 1.081) - Paging: Allow display items to appear on specific page. Switch page with DISPLAY buttons. - Support alignment of display items: Choose left center right, top middle bottom and offset with positive of negative x and y - Change brightness of DISPLAY or BAR module TFT’s with MQTT - Performing factory reset is more easy, visual confirmation by short red flash of LEDs. - Fix: Modal screen ‘Initializing…’ remains visible after WIFI credential are (re)set, even though Button+ has started succesfully.

Everything should keep working.
I will publish an update to the Homey app later today as well to use the new features.

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In version 0.4.0, the Display Configurations have a page number entry. That defines which “page” of the large display the item will appear on. The pages are then scrolled through using the left and right buttons on thee large display. There are also Flow actions to select pages and triggers to detect a page change.

I have also optimised the size of the topic messages to reduce the size of the configuration, but be aware that a large number of display items on lots of pages will be able to overwhelm the Buttons buffers.

The button topics are now independent of capabilities, so switching Button Configurations in Homey will not normally require any configuration uploads and therefore change much faster. The only parameters that can’t be changed via MQTT topics are the front and back LED colours, so changes to those will cause an upload.

As usual, please report any issue, preferably on GitHub as it is easier for me to track them.


Button’s don’t respond anymore on my B+. When I try restart the application I get a time out after 5000ms error.


I’ve replied to the diagnostic report. Let me know if you haven’t received it.

@Adrian_Rockall Same over here. Device works, but buttons not reacting. Device still on 1.081, app version 0.40.
Don’t have time to change/test anything until tomorrow afternoon.


Here the same. With the latest firmware and app the buttons came up in default (but1, but2, etc) and do not change or response. (After a power cycle it is visible. When updating but no power cycle the buttons stay ‘on the old values’ but also not responding) After installing the previous app with latest firmware they are working again.

Besides the above problems, updating to newer firmware did harm one of my B+ devices.

Did a full reset. Even readded the device in Homey. Loading configurations is working ok, except for the mqtt data. Both the webinterface and the B+ device only show title lines.

If I load the same configurations on my second B+ all data is shown as expected. So it seems it has something to do with the specific device.

The full reset seams to not have downgraded the firmware. Might need to create an issue on the B+ site. Just curious if more people have this issue or know how to solve this.

No. The new firmware is working ok here. Observations so far:

  • When turning button plus on it shows now a default screen. Not ‘the last screen’
  • Layout is different. Have to fix most of my screens. (Lines in text)

Still have to find out how the new ‘page’ system works. I’ve got 20 displays with page one indicator.

Anyway, thanks for all the hard work @Adrian_Rockall really love this device in combination with your app!

I downgraded the app to the stable version and then got the strange fact that on one off the B+ devices values were not shown. As last resort i installed the test version again and now values are shown again (arghh :wink:).

So the issue for now is still that changing the configuration on the device is not working for the buttons on both B+ devices. Display does change after selecting a different configuration.

I have identified some issues created during the merge from one branch to the other and I’m working on a fix. Hopefully will be an update tonight.