Button + (Release 0.5.5, Test 0.5.9)

Ahh, vs code is working. I use it to edit firmware for 3D printers. (marlin)
But… how to read out realtime serial info from the Button+?

When you plug a USB cable into the computer and the button+ (you might need a powered hub), it should appear as a com port. Then open the serial terminal in VSCode and make sure it is configured to access the serial port that the Button + becomes.
You should then see messages appear i in the terminal window.

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sorry, i’m on 1.081. But reseting afther config saving is no big problem. but i thought maybe you want to know this ‘bug’ :slight_smile:

I’m home now so here is a capture of my serial monitor settings in VSCode:

I will pass it on to Ronald to see if he has any idea.

Great! The first moment I find time I will try it :+1:

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Ronald suggested swapping bars to see if the problem stays with the display or remains in the same place. If it moves then it is likely to be a fault on the display.

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Nice! Just connected and changed some screens. Within some minutes the device is frozen. Will send you now the logging from the terminal in PM. In VS all lines are colored. But I think that you can find the error lines at the bottom? Thanks anyway for your help!

For anybody with the same ‘issue/question’ as me:

I’ve got a small (thermostat) cable from the top floor to my living room. I don’t want to set 230v on this line. But, when using the original power supply from the button+ there is just 3.15v left (after 10m cable distance)

Now using this cheap and small device: RECOM R-78K3.3-1.0 DC/DC-converter
With this device directly connected to the button+, you can feed anything between 4.5v-36v (I use 6v) and it converts it to 3.3v. The conversion is efficient (so it generates not a lot of heat)

Ps; this is just informal advice! Any modification by yourself or following this advice is at your own risk!

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Did you connect it in the same way as the original power supply from Button+ then?
I would expect it had the same fall in voltage when you set 3.3V at the beginning of the 10m line then…?

I’m guessing he has installed it behind the Button + and sends 6v down the cable. The 6v might drop but still be enough for the converter to provide 3.3v.

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@Adrian_Rockall Indeed, thanks

I’ve a power supply (universal) that can set on all ‘frequently used’ voltages between 3 and 12 volt.

Because the converter needs at least 4.5v input. I’ve set the universal power supply to 6v. Higher is also possible (it has impact on the ‘efficiency’ of the converter). But I like to keep the voltage as low as possible.

So. Power supply on the top floor and converter directly behind the button+ in the living room.

Sorry for my poor English!


Thanks for the option to use the lights as actions in flows. Very useful. But isn’t it possible to turn off the light? I’m probably missing an obvious thing somewhere…

Hmm, you could probably set the colour to black as a workaround. I will will need to think about how to switch it off as that is a completely different method :thinking:

Black isn’t an option as a colour but I can switch to a configuration without a led-on and than back as workaround.

Edit: no that doesn’t work, although I use the ‘set connector’ instead of the ‘set configuration’ action, the led turns back on when I switch back to the original configuration.

I’m currently in the process of a fairly big rewrite that, as it happens, should make it easier to fix the issue. I’m not sure when it will be ready as I was planning to wait until the next firmware update because it has features to match that.


I am setting the led color to black, so that the button rear light is off and front is on.

Just curious, my Button+ is now crashing 2-3 times a day. It is easy to see (no response on any activity on the Button+, no screen updates, web interface is down/not responding, etc.

It is also easy to ‘fix’ for now, just a PTP (and homey can do that)

Is there an easy way to detect this issue with the Button+ app? It would be great to have the option that Homey can reboot the device by turning off and back on the power for 5 seconds. (Would increase the WAF :blush:)

Thanks but this is only possible in the ‘settings’ page and pre configured lay-out. If you want to edit the color with a flow, then 'black; is not selectable.

What firmware version of button+ are you using? Check if you have 1.081. This fixed my problems with device not reacting (probably because of too big config files).

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