Button + (Release 0.5.5, Test 0.5.9)

The character is indeed not for the app but for button+ to fix.

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Nice surprise in latest release @possibility to set dim niveau :+1:

Just combined it with another App so it is automatically adjusting dim niveau over the day. (Night darker and during the day more brightness.)

Thanks :muscle::muscle:


Ranney, not for this app, but would recommend using a light sensor ;-). If light is xx than dim to level xx.

Kinda useless if lights go on with the sun shining :slight_smile:

Haha, my English is very bad so sorry for that!

But I have combined it with the circadian app. Really nice. Over the day it is at max brightness and over the evening it is dimming to 20%.
Way easier than a light sensor. (That makes a lot of changes that is not needed for me) :smiling_face::muscle:

Ps. I have of course motion, brightness, temperature and humidity sensors in every room, door and window sensors on every window/door. So I can use them for other automation :+1:

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I set up the Button+ through the Homey app. However, the big screen does not update the time. Would I need to adjust a setting or is there something wrong?

My settings:

  • Display configuration 1
  • Device: Button+
  • Function: (time)

App version: 0.3.15
Button+ firmware: 1.08

If you have selected the time from the Button + device in Homey, then it should be all you need to do.

Have you tried to re-apply the configuration and if that doesnā€™t work re-start the app and if that doesnā€™t work reset the Button +.
If none of those work then enable the full diagnostics log, wait of a minute and then send the log. I will take a look to see if anything jumps out at me.


Just curious; in the latest app release I see that it is possible to change the ā€˜titelsā€™ (labels) of the buttons. Iā€™ve a lot of text fields that are filled in order (only when relevant and in priority). So my ā€˜title labelsā€™ are empty because of this. Is it possible to edit the labels of fields on the display with a flow? :smiling_face: @dare to ask :see_no_evil:

Currently, itā€™s not possible. Add it to the issues on GitHub and I will look into it.

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Great :grinning:. New firmware release 1.081 of button+. A little update with big improvement: Fix of the issue with large configurations :clap:
Also in web configuration.


Just to doublecheckā€¦

I just installed my second button+ device (great device, super app ;-)).

I thought you had to create different display & button configurations by switching between devices in the Homey button app. But i only get the option to go to the webpage for the selected device. So, i guess you just create extra display and button configurations which will be send to all your devices, after which you can define per device which display/button configuration you show on a specific device.

Am i right about this?

Correct. You add each Button + as a separate device in Homey and then assign the required Configuration to each item. They can either share the same configuration or have different ones assigned.
For the open web page option, the drop list should have all the devices you have added to Homey.

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Always when I save button configuration 3, I get this. I must restart the B+ to fix this.

Are you on the latest Button + firmware.

the lastest is 1.08 right? and iā€™m on Homey App version v0.3.15

Itā€™s 1.081. It has a bigger decode buffer.

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Yes, was hoping that it is fixing may latest and only issue. But still the button+ is working great here. Butā€¦ when switching from screens (display, on buttons it is no problem) the button+ is freezing and not responding to anything until a power cycle. This is not everytime. But every ~10 switches.
Anybody an idea what can be wrong? Would be really great if I can also use that last function!

There is a new feature in the pipeline to allow more efficient screen switching, so hopefully that will help.
Is there any chance you can plug the Button + into a PC via the USB, then run a terminal program so you can see the log output?

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Ahh, good to know!

Of course I would like to help! Butā€¦ at the moment very busy with our twin (2 months old)

Can you tell me how to do it (with a mac)? Iā€™ve not yet found the time to learn myself how to read the serial out of the deviceā€¦ thanks in advance for any help!

I can understand twin 2 month oldā€™s keep you busy :grinning:
Iā€™m not familiar with Macā€™s, so not sure what is available. I think VSCode will work on a Mac and could be used, but is a bit overkill.

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