Best practice for adding a device far away from main controller position

If I need to add a Z-Wave device far away from where Homey Pro is placed (let’s say on the other end of the house in another floor, or inside a garden shed), is it better to:

  • (a) Place the device in its final location, take Homey to that spot, and pair it there? Then take Homey back to its place…
  • (b) Or bring the device next to Homey in its original place, pair it there, and then take the device to its final destination?

Of course, both cases assume that there is available range in the Z-Wave network between Homey and the device in their final locations.

I recommend reading the kb articles✓&query=Z-wave


Even if your question has already been answered correctly, with HP23 I was able to include even battery-operated Z-Wave devices at a distance of up to approx. 6-8 meters. So it’s not always necessary to include the Z-Wave device in close distance to HP23. With an HP19 (or earlier) it’s a different situation.

However, if this is also possible for you depends on many factors, so it’s not really possible to make a general statement about the distance up to which Z-Wave devices can be added.

So “a small range”, as the KB article explains, can be 8 meters?
Good to know :face_with_peeking_eye::wink:

Still, the question remains if its better to move Homey next to the new device’s final location, or move the new device next to Homey’s permanent location.

In some cases, such as when installing hardwired relays, the only option (I believe) is to move Homey to that location.

I don’t think it matters much.
If Homey is placed close to the device to pair, it will then have to be placed back in its normal location and the z-wave network will be rebuilt.
If the device is paired close to homey and then placed in its own location, the network will also be rebuilt.

I am sure that the article was written when the HP23 did not yet exist. So this information actually only applies to the HP19 (and earlier). In the HP23 AMA video, Emile confirmed that the HP23 can do NWI (Network Wide Inclusion). Z-Wave devices can therefore connect to the HP23 via other Z-Wave router devices. If you are interested, I will look for the part in the AMA video.

@Giovanni_Dienstmann, generally I agree with Hugo, it doesn’t make much difference.
Nevertheless, I would recommend placing the HP23 centrally in the house, preferably connected via an Ethernet adapter, and leaving it there.
If you move the HP23 around the house to include all devices, the Z-Wave Mesh will theoretically need to constantly readjust.

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